Possibly My New Wizard Boyfriend

Jul 30, 2010 02:41

I have been reading The Dresden Files like a madwoman lately (we print them at work! THE SINGLE THING THAT HAS MADE MY JOB BEARABLE), so I thought I'd share some thoughts and squee!

I started reading the series a whiiiiile ago, back when I was still happy at school and not trapped in the hell of misery and torment that is my job. I downloaded ebooks of books one through three, and blew through Storm Front and Fool Moon pretty fast. I waited a while and then read Grave Peril one day right before finals week, and that was when I really started to realize how in love I was with this series. But it wasn't until two weeks ago, when we were printing Summer Knight and I snagged a copy to read while the freaking Scarpetta Factor took an eternity to run (remind me to complain about that book sometime) that I realized exactly how hooked I am. Then I read Death Masks and I was like hnnnnnnnngh and I literally just finished Blood Rites and all I am capable of saying is AGAGDAHDSAGHDHAGFDHSJLFA THOMAS.

I have no idea, absolutely no idea what, precisely, it is that I ridiculously love about Harry so much. I mean, his constant "chivalry" gets on my nerves sometimes, and he's a walking Fridge, but there's just something that makes me deeply sympathize with him. I think it's his constant wisecracking. I want to see him pitted against Deadpool in a motormouth contest.

Murphy is so amazing omg omg omg she is just. so awesome. I keep being convinced she's going to get a sword and be the next Knight of the Cross, but it keeps not happening when there are opportunities and I become sadfaced about it. She reminds me of my one friend who intends to enter the police force in Miami.

I love Susan! I didn't when we first met her, but then she got turned and then she was AWESOME and now she is pitted in a battle for her souuuuuuuuuuullllllllll. I was angry at first because I thought Butcher was Putting Her on a Bus, but it turned out she just had to be moved to the Badass Reserve. Which is thoroughly acceptable.

I love the Knights of the Cross. Michael is my love (although Charity pisses me off for vague reasons), and I want to see more of Sanya and I was in teeaaaars when Shiro died. ;~~~; They may be my favorite Good Guys Who Are Not Harry team, along with the Derp Teenage Werewolf Squad.

And. Um. Thomas. I was determined to make myself not like Thomas the second I saw him in Grave Peril because I was like "EVERYONE IS GOING TO LIKE HIM AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HIS MOTIVES ARE AND HE IS PROBABLY GOING TO BE A BAD GUY OR SOMETHING BECAUSE I NEVER LIKE GUYS THAT ARE GENUINELY GOOD SO I AM NOT GOING TO LIKE HIM SO THERE." and then Death Masks happened and I was like "ASDSAKDASLDA HE HAS CROUCHING MORON HIDDEN BADASS ALL OVER HIM wait no must not sacrifice principles for tropes must not nooooooo" and then. Blood Rites happened. and I was like. OH MY GOD. THOMAS. I. YOU. I. DAMMIT. HNNNNNNNGH. and now he is my favorite and I am a sellout and a cheap date. Although every time he went all White Court with the shiny skin I was like THIS IS THE SKIN OF A KILLERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR~~~ And since the book was published in 2004, I'm pretty sure it predates Twilol, which only increases my glee.

What I love about these books is that when I read them, I get the sense that Butcher enjoyed writing them as much as I am enjoying reading them. I couldn't tell you what makes me think that, just that I do. And really, that's what makes them great. They're fun. They're exciting, delicious, heart-pounding fun. They're like brain candy. Tasty and addictive.


One week left in purgatory.

book: the dresden files, working woman, books glorious books

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