
Apr 30, 2010 02:16

Why do I always fail to do the simplest things in time for me to not have to do them at stupid hours of the morning? Bonus points for this being a dual assignment, and someone else's grade is riding on this. Ugh, self-loathing.

I basically spent all day internally squeeing because one of our new muns at Kannagara is a former Suzaku-mun who has not expressed aversion to the idea of bringing him to Kannagara; cue me biting my lip for seven hours because I promised myself I wouldn't be obnoxious and start persuading PESTERING (call a spade a spade, self) her to maybe possibly please oh please for the love of god bring him what do you want I can give you money.

Icon vaguely related because we clogged chat with Geass talk for like an hour and she passed on the relevant information to me that Word of God states Shirley conceivably could have been Lelouch's primary love interest had she not been killed off (same Word of God also basically confirmed that Lelouch and Suzaku are Heterosexual Life Partners, which also made me squee SOB WHAT HAS THIS SHOW DONE TO ME) and I got all excited because HAHA SUCK IT MY PRIMARY HET SHIP WAS CANON. EXCEPT NOT. BUT KIND OF. FROM A CERTAIN POINT OF VIEW. /sob Shirley why did you have to die

Back to finishing this crappy project summary, /drinks heavily

rp, rp: kannagara, code geass, rp dorkage, lol slash, shipping things, lelouch you giant spaz, dfffffffff

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