You know the drill, comment saying BOOGALOO or something and I ask you five questions.
I got five questions from
redbrunja, but I also remember getting some from someone else that I was waiting on to do a twofer, and now I lost the comment email and I don't know who else on my flist did this and asked me. If you remember, remind me and I'll answer them!
1.) Favorite Karin moment?
Oooh, I'd have to say the time she takes Juugo aside and comes up with a BRILLIANT PLAN to confuse Konoha's ninja hounds by slicing up one of Sasuke's sweaty, blood-stained shirts and sending the pieces around attached to birds' legs. Why? BECAUSE IT WAS A REALLY GREAT PLAN! Also, Juugo asking (not mockingly, but in almost this comically concerned way) "Why are you carrying around one of Sasuke's shirts?" and she's really flustered and like, "SHUT UP. IT'S A GOOD PLAN," and Juugo doesn't pursue it or beat it to death BECAUSE IT IS, IN FACT, A GOOD PLAN. ♥
2.) What is your default icon?
It's official art from the PS2 game Okami. S-so pretty... *_*
3.) One Naruto pairing you want to write but haven't.
Umm...Sasuke/Sakura. Like, a good one. But I just seem to be incapable of it.
4.) what does 'double hell-raiser with cheese' mean?
I made the tag when I was flailing about something in Bleach (yes, it was that long ago), and there was this commercial on for a new BK (or Wendy's, one of them) burger that was like super hot with hot cheese and hot peppers, and the commercial has the guy ordering "One double-hell-raiser with cheese, please." And then his hair caught fire. I thought it was the most hilariously epic phrase ever, so I adopted it.
5.) What is one question you want to answer that I haven't asked?
I don't know.