I dunno, I'm bored and I want to have comments to reply to, so I'm just going to kind of babble here about a number of topics until I run out of brain.
I have been playing Okami again, and all it's doing is fueling my secret wolf fetish. Seriously, I've read The Sight and Fell by David Clement-Davies, and most of the Julie of the Wolves series and I had a wolf photos calendar the one year and I prefer werewolves to vampires in all media and I just like them. I think they're some of the most gorgeous animals on the planet. (So the scene with Shiranui and Amaterasu and Oki all battling the giant clockwork owls was kind of filling me with squee :D)
I was thinking about this and wondering: DOES THIS MAKE ME A FURRY? I mean, I don't constantly wish I were a wolf (well, I went through a very brief on/off phase of that in like the fourth grade, but it was probably an imagination thing. Or a puberty thing. I used to pretend I was a puppy in preschool, but as far as I know, that's a common kid thing. Right?). I also don't dress up, or draw very well or anything.
Okay, maybe that was an insensitive question. I only really found out what the furry fandom is maybe seven or so months ago, and all I basically got out of it was: people who like animals who sometimes dress up and go to cons and stuff. I never even knew there was this huge stigma attached to it until much later. I always liked anthropomorphic art loooong before I even came to LiveJournal, to be honest with you. SO I'm not saying this like I'm afraid I'm going to... oh god, halfway through writing that out, I realized the whole
Does This Remind You of Anything of this entire thing, and I'm just going to shut up before I look like more and more of an asshole.
My roommate was released from being quarantined in the residence hall basement since Sunday night. She had a fever, and they're being really crazy now, especially in our specific res hall because we have the smallest rooms on campus, so contagion spreads faster. She's okay, I'm fine, everybody's happy.
Her friends constantly come into the room looking for her when she's not around (like, they never call her on her cell phone? I guess?), and it's always when I'm either on the computer or playing Okami. So they think I'm some sort of human electronic vegetable. -_- I normally wouldn't care so much, but I'm, you know, not among my usual support system of friends to laugh it off with.
Is it terrible that I have had no papers to write yet, and I want some? I think I'm going a little stir crazy.
Urgh. I'm going to go line up for a flu shot. Fun times.