Jun 01, 2008 04:52
Dear Old 97's,
I am not feeling your new album Blame it On Gravity. I don't dig your poppy, sell-out reconstruction of your image in your choice of album art. In fact, I don't particularly dig the poppy bullshit tracks on your CD, either. Please, do whatever it takes to restrain Rhett Miller. Give him a stern telling off, threaten him with a knife, tie him up and throw him into the tour van with a bottle of Old Crow jammed down his throat... whatever it takes. Tell him he needs to keep his shitty, watered down Old 97's music for his solo albums. The people who buy those might actually want to hear this crap.
Fight Songs is as pop as you should ever get, and Blame it On Gravity is the Britney Spears to Fight Songs.
P.S. I suppose your album art is still better than something like the four of you in front of a blank background with your hands in front of your eyes or staring off "thoughtfully" into some random ass direction. I still fucking hate its indie pop sensibilities, though.