The Tortoise Approaches

Apr 14, 2010 21:16

It's time to cut my hair.

I've had long hair, usually in a pony tail, for about 10 years, and maybe that's enough. I like having long hair: I like that it's unusual for men, I like the feel of the wind blowing through it (at least, when I'm facing upwind), I like when other people play with it. But, it's time. My hairline has been slowly receding for awhile now, and I vowed many years ago that I wouldn't be one of those guys who can't admit he's going bald and somehow manages to convince himself that he can pull off the long hair even though he's a cue ball on the top of his head. Plus, I'm graduating soon, and, much as I hate to use this as a reason, I think I'll be better served in my career with an appearance that's taken a little more seriously by the arbitrary but definitive standards of our society.

I've also been putting this off for awhile. Indeed, I started writing an early version of this post on May 18, 2009. I know because I saved it as a draft email on Gmail, thinking I'd come back to it later. It's still sitting there. Once I cut my hair, I can't imagine I'll ever grow it out again, so there's an earnest finality to the whole thing that breeds procrastination. Next week I'm going to visit Boston, partially to meet some of the people I'll be working with next year, and I'm thinking that I should get it cut this weekend so they'll meet the new me.

I don't know exactly how short I want to cut it. I think fairly short, but nothing like a buzz-cut. Just your average boring male slightly balding head of hair.

Anyone want to talk me out of it?
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