Good lord. Bunny hunting is WAY more complicated than I thought it'd be. Damn me and my picky-ness. I had decided that I wanted another boy and I was good with anything but white fur (Cami's white fur, even with it's splotched brown patches, was a MESS when he shed.)
So I dragged Tony/Yolanda/Garic to 6 pet stores Tuesday night and didn't find anything but was told that Pet Stop would be getting more lops in the next day. They didn't get them in until Friday and I almost caved when we went to look at them. There was an adorable little silver girl that I almost got. We checked out a different pet store that night and ran into the same problem - another little silver girl. I had almost caved on each of them but, luckily, the family convinced me to wait for the right one. It was tough, but I walked away, especially when the people at Pet Stop told me that there would be some Holland lops coming in Sunday.
Mom was taking me back to my apt Sunday and then we were heading up north for Berto's birthday, anyway, so we built in some time to drop by the store. We went in and had apparently managed to get there JUST after the breeder dropped off the buns (he's actually the one who came over and talked to us about them.) There were three that I was good with and, if any of them were male, I was taking them home.
Out of the three, one was a boy and he's the one you see pictured below. His sisters were another grey and an all-over brown, but I'm actually really happy with him. I love his grey patches. He's right at 8 weeks - just weaned recently. Just about as young as I can get him. He's curious and active.. and his little ears bounce when he hops around.
Here's one picture, more beneath the cut:
Just because she's adorable
So now only comes the challenge of a name. Any ideas? Thus far the possibilities are:
Syne ("zign" - as in "Auld Lang" since it's New Years)
Wicket (because, darn it, he looks like a freaking Ewok.)
I tend to avoid the typical rabbit names (anything from Beatrix Potter is out) and not generally a fan of cutesy names. The two bunnies I had/have are named Cami and Rin, if that gives any idea.
Hooray for