So I'm a little behind on this bit of news, but I find it amusingly pathetic enough to dredge up from the week-old archives of most news sites.
A tribute to the truly pathetic And, yes, I realize I'm only perpetuating the popularity of the stupid by putting it here, I'm hoping, though, that the disdain will overwhelm the stupid.
Seriously? Are we REALLY that concerned that Obama used a Zune at the gym instead of an Ipod? Really? There is NOTHING more important going on in the world that we can work up our over-zealous moral rage over? Absolutely nothing? Is it so important that the White House press team has to cook up some kind of cover story for it not being "his" Zune, that it might have belonged to anyone else that he borrowed it from?
Do I need to start posting examples of the 6 trillion more important issues that you all could productively use that extra energy on? Do any of the other people on this list want to?
More to the point - people are seriously changing their opinions on Obama because he might use a Zune instead of an Ipod based solely on the fact that he said something about him listening to an Ipod*? Really? We're not celebrating the fact that he's getting his team together, rolling up his sleeves and actually getting things done? We're pissed off because he might choose a different brand of player?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here:
Zune, Ipod, Iriver, Zen, Jukebox -- who the hell cares?
More as Life Happens,
* Nevermind that "Ipod" has become a brand name that stands for the whole generation of players -- like what "Coke" is to pop, "Levis" for jeans, and "Crayola" for crayons. I might say "I'm going to go get a Coke" and bust out an RC. Good lord, the world is at an end!!