Mar 16, 2005 20:17
Well, i just woke up 10min's ago from a 5hr. nap- ya i was tired for sum ason but it felgood now just watch ill b up half the nite! hope not- well wuts been goin on- umm been busy w/ Tennis which has been fun the grls had the varsity match today so i hope they did good! then school has been ok we have OGT's all this wk woohoo! not and Lew's wife has his baby its a boy named Elijah James- how cute i 4got how much it ways then Kim should b havin her's soon and guess wut im gonna have a baby boy cousin Yea! another Prosperi to the family lol Im happy for her and Mr. Howell wut else umm my Aunt Sue is getting married in May 30th i think i dunno w/ my soon 2 be uncle Russel- dunno wut else im gonna go get a drink of sumtin and watch a movie so TTEL- o and who ive been likin umm thats for me to no and that person find out! so Lataz