Aug 11, 2008 12:04
Who: Lindsey and Lilah
Where: Wolfram & Hart
When: Late night
What: Prepping a case together
Status: Open
Lindsey was sitting across the table from Lilah, working on a case that the firm was going to ge going to court with soon. The case itself was about some mob bigshot who had gotten caught dumping a body in the ocean. Well, he didn't get caught with the body in his hands, per say, but he might as well have. They had tons of forensic evidence against them, and they were working on briefs to get all of that thrown out of court right now. The police really shouldn't search places illegally, you know.
Lindsey sighed and pushed the papers aside for a moment, rubbing his eyes. The two of them had been working with assistants all day, but those people had finally went home some time before ten. Him and Lilah had stayed in hopes of finishing everything up, but right now he wasn't sure if he'd finish before he passed out on the table.
He looked across the table at Lilah. She wasn't exactly looking bright eyed herself. "I'm going to go grab some coffee. You want some?" he asked her, standing up. Maybe a walk and some coffee would do him some good.