All I have to give is Adoration

Sep 12, 2006 22:18

So I've been listening to the Newsboys' Adoration CD , which is quite good. I've just been rolling the windows down, turning up the stereo and cruising. During this very peaceful time I have been thinking and really listening to the lyrics. The biggest revelation or rediscovery of truth is that despite myself GOD is good. Despite my problems, worries, or troubles GOD has a plan. "Plans to prosper me and not to harm me". I know it sound pretty simple. But if you think about it goes beyond a simple plan, or at least to me it does. Life is not totally clear right now and to know that GOD is for me means a lot. There is a peace about it. To "not know where all this is going" but to be "led to a peace that is past understanding" changes things.
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