it seems pretty useless shoveling the drive way if the roads haven't been plowed yet. especially since it snowed another two inches in the process. which isn't too bad considering the drive way is probably 200 feet long.
somehow, i've survived. i estimate having lifted about 1 ton of snow from the driveway, but i'm really not sure if that's anywhere near accurate.
irregardless, i've realized how much i dislike romantic movies. i've been slapped with this realization only because Law and Order or NCIS is not currently on USA and Enchanted is on. It ended up not being as horrible as anticipated. but, when it comes to romantic movies, i think they really have a tendency of misleading a lot of people. they are like live action fairy tales. as sad as it is, prince charming is more likely than not going to rescue you from a fire breathing dragon. "true loves" kiss won't cure cancer. your fairy godmother won't make your first date to the grand ball a magical one, and allow for happenstance to bring you together again (i.e. 'yo grrrrl you forgot your shoe'). while these are really nice things for day dreaming, but are they realistic? is love really like that? the only romantic movie that i'd think could potentially happen in real life would be Richard Gere getting punched in the face in the Runaway Bride (only because its Richard Gere).
I think this overanlysis of fairy tales and romantic movies just comes from an overanalysis of relationships. it's really silly to think about. but the movies give people hope that prince charming is out there. and surprisingly enough, the person who you think is prince charming ends up being another frog at the end of the day. examples: enchanted and the runaway bride.
essentially, this is trivial to even consider.
what i do know is important to remember. i miss spontaneity. i feel like over the past few years i've missed out on random dance parties (was i really that much of a tool as a freshman? apparently), going to shows, listening to new music. i've unintentionally cut myself off from all of my likes and hobbies in effort to become someone who i felt i was supposed to be.
who i am not:
- a southern belle. i'm third generation American for heaven's sake. the sight of the confederate flag irritates me because of the rednecks who failed every level of american history classes would proudly wear it as their red badge of courage describing it as "heritage not hate." really now, what if i used that one? uuuh, i don't think it'd be a very good excuse.
- a good cook. i appreciate the gift of a cookbook. but for every holiday hoping that i'd eventually get the hint...
- a fan of country music. except for the eagles and the statler brothers' christmas album. ooh and that one garth brooks song that i will dance to with my father at my wedding.
- someone to forgive and forget. it should be "learn, accept, move on." clearly, if you really get to me the wrong way, i might try to grant you some forgiveness, but chances are i will use it in the midst of every argument as to why i am right, even if i'm wrong because what you've done before was much, much worse (i really hope i wouldn't do that, but it wouldn't surprise me if i did)
uuuuuugh. rambleramblerambleramble.
be yourself. don't miss out on life and things you enjoy because someone holds you to different standards.