dame dame dame dame dame dame

Apr 18, 2007 23:52

my msn doesn't work!! nande?? just as well, because I'll start whining about how my singles will take up to 6 days to arrive *sniff*

listening to j-wave day 3 now by myself without the usual kyaaaing with the ribling is chotto sabishii... was nodding off during the 10 mins of classical music before the actual programme. *sick of Konguchi's voice* They played dame again, but didn't update the song on the stream-list so I can't screencap! Plus I didn't pay much attention to the show because I'm having a splitting headache.

so it's a quiet night... but............

Takitsuba omedetou!!!

I hope single sales skyrocket during the week!

in the mean time... *drums fingers* I'll just expect them to come on Monday, so that I'll be pleasantly surprised if it does by some miracle turn up on Friday. ^_^ Then I'll be as gay as a Crazy Leinbow!!!

Jaa... it's been a long day, and will be a long day tomorrow. Oyasumi!!
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