November 21- Japanese History - Second Hour

Nov 21, 2007 10:56

[ Japanese History- Ichiro, Kasai, Miki, Okita, Yumi  ]

Okita walked to her desk slamming down her book and let herself sink onto the seat. She felt her eyelids so heavy that if she gave in, she would go into a coma. She heard the slide door open and the moment Sensei Hitoshi Arakawa passed, Okita felt her eyes open and her hair rise up as if electricity had hit the classroom. Holding her nose, her cheeks started to swell as she tried to hold her breath.

Sensei Arakawa smelled worst than the liquor factory. As he lumbered in front of the class, he crashed onto the front row of desk still tugging under his arm a porcelain bottle of Maotai.

Okita held the side of her desk from moving swearing under her breath, she seriously hated this class with a passion.

Swearing loudly he walked up to his desk and sank down on his seat hugging his bottle. He slurred out a few words but Okita didn't understand what he said. He head fell forward and in a few seconds he was heard snoring.

Okita rose her eyebrow, this wasn't unusual. She opened her text book and started to read a chapter knowing that this teacher would give every one a test by the end of the week over something he has never taught. As she read the words, the print seem to be getting bigger and blurrier... she rubbed her eyes. She regret not getting a cup of coffee or tea before entering the school.  
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