(no subject)

Jun 05, 2011 21:32

Salam is oooooovvvvvvvverrrrrrrrrrrr~~~

I think my wonderful teacher got some advice on her exam making skills or something... coz it was so so different!
There were MULTIPLE CHOICE!!! O 3 O Still can't believe it myselp!! They were almost understandable as well!!!
But the thing was that I studied for Family in Islam sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well and I was ready to write anything in terrible English about divorce, iddat, parent's role, children's rights, husband's rights, wife's rights, joint rights...
and she asked me around 4 questions that said write 4 points about reasons for marriage, husband and wife's rights, and the ruling on beating.
The End.
At least I feel like I benefited from this course. A little.

And then since I finished my exam at 9.10am I had way loads of time before my Economics exam at 1pm. I hadn't studied Econ enough so I went to my mum's office and........... surfed.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it!!! I tried my best to stop and closed the windows I was looking at looooads of times and then I'd start to study and realise that all this talk about productive elements and development and basics of economic legislation and BANKS just wasn't getting into my brain!! Aigoooo~~

Anyway, I'm trying to do my CAT project, the teaching one... still haven't finished it. I NEED TO SUBMIT IT TOMORRROOWWWW
and study for Topics in Applied Linguistics. I'm trying my best to gear myself to study for it tomorrow and not to hate Dr. Anna to DEATHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'm killer tired coz after uni we went straight to the pool, the inside one, and I swam and sauna-ed and now I'm soooo exhausted since I only had 5.5hours sleep. I need to go put the washing on to clean the swimming stuff... urgh I hate After Swimming.

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