Mar 09, 2005 13:40
Name: Cathryn
- Status: with Nathan
- Current hair color: brown/red/blonde
- Eye color: hazel
- Birthplace: Ada, Oklahoma
- Shoe size: um...8 1/2 I think
- Do you have a best friend?: yeppers
When was the last time you -
- Kissed someone: when Nathan was here back in January
- Talked to an ex: well technically when I talk to Nathan I am talking to an ex - but excluding Nathan - I don't remember - I guess the last time Sean randomly called
- Had a nightmare: the other night - but I don't know if it counted as a nightmare...
- Psychological problems: EVERYDAY
- Last song you heard: I don't have a clue - I've been in class all day!
- Do you look like any celebrities?: not that I am aware of...
- Most listened to musicians: whoever is on the radio generally
- Do your nighttime activities usually involve drunken underage vomiting: no
- Have you ever slept in an alley or park: no
Describe your
- Wallet: black with a Wizard of Oz picture
- Hairbrush: black and white
- Toothbrush: white and blue I think...
- Jewellery worn daily: silver necklace from Nathan's mom - funky rubber bracelet on left wrist - dolphin watch on right wrist - my promise ring
- Pillow and duvet cover: comfy
- Coffee cup: lol - which one?
- Sunglasses: brown turtle shell I think is what they are
- Favourite shirt: anything comfortable at this point...
- CD in stereo right now: CD player is broken so - nothing
- Piercings: ears double pierced
- What you are wearing now: jeans and a grey and black shirt
- In my mouth: ...spit...
- In my head: supreme frustration and weariness
- Wishing: to just curl up in a ball and cry
- After this: going to skip OK History and then go to counseling
- If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?: *evil, ironic laugh* I'm going to keep this to myself - but there is a Guatamalan out there that deserves it...
- Favourite film: Dirty Dancing, Independence Day, Princess Bride, Wizard of Oz
- Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The last thing you ate: Mac and Cheese (for breakfast)
- Something that you are deathly afraid of: there are too many things at this point...
- Do you like candles: yep
- Do you believe in love: of course
- Do you believe in soul mates: yes
- Do you believe in love at first sight: not really - love is more than appearance
- What do you want done with your body when you die: uh - I haven't really thought about it...
- If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?: Orange Tamarin (monkey)
- What is the latest you've ever stayed up: don't have a clue
- What are some of your favourite candies?: Reese's Cups, Twix
- What's something that you wish people would understand: me - my decisions
- What's something you wish you could understand better?: why my family is so screwed up - why I am so screwed up
- Your favourite song right now: whatever is on the radio
- Favourite fruit: grapes, strawberries
- Hopes and dreams?: make a decision - get through college - be a good mom - be happy
- Do you believe in God?: yes
- Grades in school: at this point I really don't care...
- Are you a good artist?: not in the least
- Future career: high school history teacher
- Are you in love with anyone at the current moment?: yeppers
- Are you fat or thin?: (lol) I'm seven months pregnant...
- Are you happy with it?: once again - I am seven months pregnant...
- Would you wear pyjamas to school?: definately
Describe -
- Your heritage: German, Irish, Black Dutch, Chickasaw
- The shoes you wore today: black Payless tennis shoes
- Your weakness: my family
- One thing you'd like to achieve: being content
What is/are -
- Your first thoughts upon waking up: "do I have to get out of bed today?"
- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes - smile
- Your best physical feature: hm...don't really like much about myself...
- Your bedtime: whenever I fall asleep
- Your greatest accomplishment: at this point - haven't done anything remarkable
You prefer -
- Pepsi or Coke: Dr. Pepper
- McDollars or Bugger King: Sonic - but Burgar King if Sonic isn't available
- Single or group dates: both really - I'm not picky as long as I'm with the one I love
- Adidas or Nike: whatever is cheapest
- Chocolate or vanilla: depends on what it is and what kind of mood I am in...
- Cappuccino or coffee: BOTH - anything with caffiene at this point!
Do you -
- Smoke: nope
- Cuss: not usually
- Have a crush: no
- Think you've been in love: I have thought I was in love several times - I KNOW I am in love right now
- Want to go to college: I'm in college - I'm ready to be out
- Like high school: the first two years of it
- Want to get married: definately
- Type with your fingers on the right keys: sadly yes - for the most part
- Think you're attractive: not really
- Get along with your parents: I get along with my Mom right now - not so much with my dad and stepmom (complete reversal from the way things used to be)
- Like thunderstorms: thunder - no, lightening - yes
- Play a musical instrument: nope
In the past month, have you -
- Drunk alcohol: no
- Smoked: no
- Done a drug: no
- Had sex: no
- Made out: no
- Been on a date: no
- Been to the mall: yes
- Been on stage: no
- Been dumped: no - or if I have I wasn't aware of it
- Gone skating: no
- Made homemade biscuits: no
- Been in love: yes
- Dyed your hair: no
- Stolen anything: no
*man - my life is really dull.....*
Have you ever -
- Flown on a plane?: yes
- Missed school because it was raining?: yep!
- Told a guy/girl you liked him/her?: yes
- Cried during a film?: yes
- Thought an animated character was hot?: sadly - yes
- Had an imaginary friend?: still do - just kidding - but yes
- Been on stage?: yes
- Cut your hair?: yeah
- Had a crush on a teacher?: no
- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yes
- Been intoxicated?: yes
- Been caught 'doing something'?: (lol) yes
- Been called a tease?: yes
- Got beaten up?: no
- Been in a fight?: yes
- Shoplifted?: no
The future:
- Age you want to be married: before I am 25
- Numbers and names of children: at least two - no more than three, preferably a boy and a girl or two boys and a girl
- Describe your dream wedding: at my grandparents house in OK, lots of people (family and friends). big reception down at the lake
- How do you want to die?: I'd rather not...but if I have to - without pain
- What do you want to be when you grow up?: happy, content, loved
- What country would you most like to visit?: Egypt, Ireland, Greece, England
- Number of boyfriends/girlfriends you've had: it depresses me to think about it
- Number of kisses you've given: a whole bunch
- Number of drugs taken illegally: taken a few perscription drugs illegally but that is it
- Number of people I could trust with my life: four
- Number of tattoos: none
- Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: more than I would like
- Number of scars: too many - both physical and emotional
- Number of things in my past that I regret: lets not go there shall we?
Favourite -
- Shampoo: the one that I use
- Colour: blue, black, purple
- Time of day or night: whatever time I am not at work or at school or dealing with bizarre emotional trauma
- Season: spring and fall
- Cartoon character: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Care Bears, Rainbow Bright
- Food: peanut butter, pasta, bread, cheese
- Sport: college football, NASCAR, gymnastics
In the last 24 hours:
- Cried?: yes
- Worn jeans: yes
- Met someone new online?: no
- Done laundry?: yes
- Drove a car?: yes
- Talked on the phone?: yes
Do you believe in -
- Yourself?: on occasion
- Your friends?: I try too
- Father Christmas?: like Santa Clause? - yes
- The Tooth Fairy?: (lol) no
- Destiny/Fate?: not really
- Angels?: yes
- Ghosts: not really
- UFOs?: like aliens? - sure why not
- God: yes - as I said before
- Do you ever wish you had another name?: no - but I used to wish my name was spelled diffrently
- Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: yes
- Do you like anyone?: sometimes
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: God help us if there is another person out there who acts like me...
- Who have you known the longest of your friends: Annie
- Are you close to any family member?: my Aunt Kim and Uncle John - my mom
- Whom do you hang around with the most?: me, myself, and I
- When have you cried the most?: a lot here recently
- What are the best feelings in the world?: loving and being loved in return, being content with your life and who you are, falling asleep in the arms of someone who loves you
- Worst feelings?: confusion, frustration, abandonment, lonliness
- What time is it now?: 2:15 pm (I should be in class)
Current -
- Mood: not so good
- Music: none
- Taste: strawberry chapstick
- Hair: down and tangled
- Annoyance: family issues
- Smell: the dude next to me in the computer lab
- Thing I ought to be doing: sitting in Oklahoma History taking notes
- Desktop background: blue with the rules of the computer lab
- Book: "The Other Boylen Girl" by Phillippa Gregory
- Job: Boomerang (only a month and a half left though!
Do you -
- Have a dream that keeps coming back?: a couple
- Remember your first love?: who I thought was my first love wasn't really love - Nathan is my first LOVE
- Still love him/her: not the first one who wasn't love - but Nathan YES
- Read the newspaper?: not usually
- Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: I believe it is possible for me, but there are some people in this world that sadly are incapable of faithfulness in any form
- Consider yourself tolerant of others?: sometimes
- Consider love a mistake?: that really depends
- Like the taste of alcohol?: depends on the alcohol
- Have a favourite candy?: yes - didn't I already say which ones?
- Do well in school?: generally
- Wear hats?: nope
- Have close friends?: yes
- Wish on stars?: no
- Like your handwriting?: sometimes
- Care about looks?: not particularly
Are you -
- A druggy?: no
- A daydreamer?: sometimes
- A freak?: probably
- A dork?: maybe
- A bitch/arsehole?: definately
- A brat?: not in my opinion
- Sarcastic?: yeppers
- Shy?: sometimes
- Talkative?: sometimes
- Adventurous?: generally
- A joker?: eh...
Last (woo!) -
- Book you read: Cerulean Sins by Laurell K. Hamilton
- Film you saw: I watched Independence Day yesterday - but I've already seen that
- Thing you had to drink: diet Dr. Pepper with my Mac and Cheese
- Person you talked to on the phone: my mommy