Aug 09, 2005 01:58
Alright, it's been ages since I updated, and there is a reason, I assure you of that! I've been busy. I work at Borders now, about 45 hours a week for a rather decent pay. I'm taking this year to help my dad while Bobby's off at RPI University, and I will be home going to UM. My dad and I were talking about having me go back to Dal, but he needs help around the house due to his age. As I posted earlier, I have a new computer, and I don't have MSN, AIM, or ICQ installed on it, just because I want to make sure this computer lasts. It's a gaming computer and it's a lot of fun :). As for my life? It is consistantly boring, a steady monotony of day in, day out, work, then games, work, then games, then work. Change games to reading every so often. Have to read a lot too, working at Borders. Funny how that works.
Family news: I have to see my mother tomorrow. I'm going to give her an ultimatum, and tell her if she doesn't help pay for University, she will be down one son. As many who read this know, I hate my mother, and I often say that she is dead, which, technically, she is to me. I'm being asked by my dad to go visit her, so...I am. I believe my brother is going to do the same thing. I know she won't help, and that is a hope I can really wish for. On another note; Bobby has become rather snarky and lazy, all at the same time. He doesn't clean up after himself, leaves shit around the house, and I've had to clean it up, or my dad, and he's become really vindictive.
My own news: I am single, still, and really have no motivation to date anyone, because everyone I've run into, look to be really stupid, dense, or just plain snotty. I am, though, going up to Conneticut this weekend to see Ashleigh and give her congratulations on her engagement. Too bad. She's an amazing little sprite. On a different note, Dad and I are debating if I should go to Dal again next year. I don't know if I want to. All my friends I made will have moved on, and I probably won't see them again. Hell, most of the people that read this journal, I won't see again. Julia, Jill, Daubs, Dom, Chris...the slew of you from Risley. When (read if) I return, you'd be third years, and I'd be a second year. Different agendas, different classes. Hell, different buildings. My real motivation for returning would be the great friends up there. That attraction isn't there, now, because you all moved on. The only one I know that would still be there is Yassir, and that, -that- is really tempting. I actually have a shirt of his. Oops. Really, the only reason I don't update is because my life -isn't- that chaotic, and it doesn't change that often. I expect it's because in the future, my life will never be tranquil, and this is just making up for it. Yin and Yang, or some such bullshit. Other than that...Yea. That's my life. I've been playing WC3 with Dom, and beta testing some games.
Courtney and I haven't been communicating very well, partially due to my own apathy and general secludism, and her snarkyness or apathy as well. I just don't see the point, sometimes, in talking with people.
Yea, and so I digress. There really isn't much to say. So... I'll write again later, perhaps, when chaos and bile and all sorts of stuff hit the fan in an intresting array of color, slime, and mutations!