Goodbye, LJ...

Dec 23, 2008 18:15

All good things come to an end -- bad things are forever
Massimo (formerly known as Okham)

This blog has moved.
Comments on this journal are now disabled -- if you wish to comment, please proceed to my new home.

Updated on 2/26/2009: most of the posts on this blog have been moved to my new blog. For some of them there are links

The time has finally come for me to do what I have been meaning to do since... hmm... maybe a day after I started blogging on LiveJournal, i.e., move my blog somewhere else. It has been clear to me for a while that LJ does not offer the same functionality of ... well, just about any other blogging site. Don't get me wrong, there are things about it that I like (such as threaded comments, and... er... uh... did I mention threaded comments already ?), but for the most part, let's face it, it sucks.

Maybe I can't figure out how to exploit all of its potential. Maybe the problem is that it is not really meant to be used for blogging, as much as for sharing stuff with friends. Maybe it truly, simply, genuinely sucks -- I don't know.
Customization is difficult, editing posts is clumsy, but what really did it for me is the fact that commenting for users of other sites is complicated. I don't want to make things difficult for those who are interested in commenting, and the developers of LJ don't really seem keen to make small changes in order to accommodate the needs of all users. Each time I ask for help I get a boiler plate answer saying "Please use the form and submit this as feedback" -- and then nothing ever happens. So, that's it -- I am outta here.
Bye bye. Au revoir. Arrivederci. Auf Wiedersehen. Hasta la Vista. Sayonara. You get my point.

I have to admit that it does feel kind of sad to leave. After all, this is where I started my journey inside blogosphere, and somehow I had grown accustomed to this horrible page, its hideous format, the ugly fonts, having to spend an hour each time I change my links to restore blog counter... you can't buy those memories.
Oh, well. Nothing is forever, plus it's not like any of this is going to go away (I hope not anyway). This blog will no longer be updated, but old posts will still be here (I gave up with the idea of moving the entire blog -- comments cannot be exported easily, plus there is nothing like asking ourselves "OK, why do I need to do that anyway ?") and I shall respond to comments made here.
So, to my vast readership of ... 3... 4... I don't know, I have lost count: I look forward to reading your (always much appreciated) comments at my new blog.

Comments on this journal are now disabled.

livejournal, blogging

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