Pokemon TCG Wants!

May 26, 2014 21:10



Everything under this is mostly outdated, please use the lists above!

UPDATED: 6/21/14

Base Set


#5 Gengar HOLO

Base 2
#2 Blastoise HOLO
#7 Gyarados HOLO
#8 Hitmonchan HOLO
#11 Nidoking HOLO
#12 Nidoqueen HOLO
#14 Pidgeot HOLO
#18 Venasaur HOLO
#20 Zapdos HOLO
#23 Dugtrio
#25 Dewgong
#102 Imposter Professor Oak
#106 Pokemon Trader

Team Rocket
#7 Dark Golbat HOLO
#9 Dark Hypno HOLO
#13 Dark Vileplume HOLO

Gym Heroes
#1 Blaine's Moltres HOLO
#3 Erika's Clefable HOLO
#4 Erika's Dragonair HOLO
#6 Lt. Surge's Electabuzz HOLO
#9 Misty's Seadra HOLO
#11 Rocket's Hitmonchan HOLO
#12 Rocket's Moltres HOLO
#13 Rocket's Scyther HOLO
#14 Sabrina's Gengar HOLO
#15 Brock HOLO
#16 Erika HOLO
#17 Lt. Surge HOLO
#19 The Rocket's Trap HOLO
#22 Brock's Rhyhorn
#34 Sabrina's Venonat
#48 Erika's Weepinbell
#99 Charity

Gym Challenge
#3 Brock's Ninetails HOLO
#4 Erika's Venusaur HOLO
#7 Giovanni's Nidoking HOLO
#9 Koga's Beedrill HOLO
#10 Koga's Ditto HOLO
#11 Lt. Surge's Raichu HOLO
#12 Misty's Golduck HOLO
#13 Misty's Gyarados HOLO
#16 Sabrina's Alakazam HOLO
#17 Blaine HOLO
#18 Giovanni HOLO
#20 Sabrina HOLO
#26 Koga's Muk
#27 Koga's Pidgeotto
#103 Erika's Kindness
#104 Giovanni
#106 Koga
#110 Sabrina
#112 Blaine's Quiz #3
#132 Water Energy

Neo Genesis
#4 Feraligatr HOLO
#6 Heracross HOLO
#8 Kingdra HOLO
#9 Lugia HOLO
#11 Meganium HOLO
#12 Pichu HOLO
#13 Skarmory HOLO
#16 Togetic HOLO
#17 Typhlosion HOLO
#18 Typhlosion HOLO
#25 Sneasel
#83 Arcade Game
#85 Energy Charge
#89 Super Energy Retrieval
#105 Recycle Energy

Neo Discovery
#2 Forretress HOLO
#4 Houndoom HOLO
#8 Politoed HOLO
#9 Poliwrath HOLO
#13 Umbreon HOLO
#15 Ursaring HOLO
#16 Wobbufett HOLO
#17 Yanma HOLO
#20 Espeon
#22 Hitmontop
#25 Kabutops
#26 Magnemite
#30 Smeargle
#34 Ursaring
#36 Yanma

Neo Revelation
#1 Ampharos HOLO
#2 Blissey HOLO
#4 Crobat HOLO
#5 Delibird HOLO
#6 Entei HOLO
#7 Ho-Oh HOLO
#10 Magneton HOLO
#11 Misdreavus HOLO
#13 Raikou HOLO
#14 Suicune HOLO
#15 Aerodactyl
#17 Entei
#18 Ho-Oh
#21 Raichu

Neo Destiny
#1 Dark Ampharos HOLO
#2 Dark Crobat HOLO
#3 Dark Donphan HOLO
#5 Dark Feraligatr HOLO
#7 Dark Houndoom HOLO
#9 Dark Scizor HOLO
#11 Dark Tyranitar HOLO
#12 Light Arcanine HOLO
#13 Light Azumarill HOLO
#16 Miracle Energy HOLO
#19 Dark Omastar
#20 Dark Slowking
#22 Light Dragonair
#24 Light Ledian
#28 Unown H
#42 Hitmonlee
#46 Light Flareon
#56 Togepi
#92 Broken Ground Gym
#94 Imposter Professor Oak's Invention
#95 Radio Tower
#100 Lucky Stadium
#107 Shining Charizard HOLO
#109 Shining Mewtwo HOLO
#111 Shining Raichu HOLO
#112 Shining Steelix HOLO
#113 Shining Tyranitar HOLO

Legendary Collection
#1 Alakazam HOLO
#2 Articuno HOLO
#4 Dark Blastoise HOLO
#5 Dark Dragonite HOLO
#6 Dark Persian HOLO
#8 Dark Slowbro HOLO
#9 Dark Vaporeon HOLO
#10 Flareon HOLO
#11 Gengar HOLO
#12 Gyarados HOLO
#13 Hitmonlee HOLO
#14 Jolteon HOLO
#15 Machamp HOLO
#16 Muk HOLO
#18 Venusaur HOLO
#19 Zapdos HOLO
#21 Butterfree
#22 Electrode
#25 Hypno
#27 Kabutops
#29 Mewtwo
#31 Nidoking
#32 Nidoqueen
#35 Rhydon
#37 Charmeleon
#38 Dark Dragonair
#44 Graveler
#46 Haunter
#48 Kabuto
#49 Kadabra
#50 Kakuna
#53 Meowth
#60 Rapidash
#63 Seadra
#64 Snorlax
#82 Nidoran (f)
#94 Spearow
#98 Vulpix
#102 Pokemon Breeder
#103 Pokemon Trader
#104 Scoop Up
#107 Energy Retrieval

Expedition Base Set
#1 Alakazam HOLO
#2 Ampharos HOLO
#3 Arbok HOLO
#4 Blastoise HOLO
#5 Butterfree HOLO
#6 Charizard HOLO
#7 Clefable HOLO
#8 Cloyster HOLO
#10 Dugtrio HOLO
#11 Fearow HOLO
#12 Feraligatr HOLO
#13 Gengar HOLO
#14 Golem HOLO
#15 Kingler HOLO
#16 Machamp HOLO
#17 Magby HOLO
#19 Mew HOLO
#20 Mewtwo HOLO
#22 Pichu HOLO
#23 Pidgeot HOLO
#26 Rapidash HOLO
#27Skarmory HOLO
#28 Typhlosion HOLO
#29 Tyranitar HOLO
#30 Venusaur HOLO
#31 Vileplume HOLO
#32 Weezing HOLO
#34 Ampharos
#35 Arbok
#36 Blastoise
#38 Butterfree
#39 Charizard
#40 Charizard
#42 Cloyster
#43 Dragonite
#47 Feraligatr
#48 Gengar
#49 Golem
#50 Kingler
#52 Magby
#53 Meganium
#54 Meganium
#57 Ninetails
#58 Pichu
#59 Pidgeot
#60 Poliwrath
#61 Raichu
#62 Rapidash
#63 Skarmory
#64 Typhlosion
#65 Typhlosion
#66 Tyranitar
#67 Venusaur
#68 Venusaur
#70 Weezing
#71 Bayleef
#76 Electabuzz
#78 Gloom
#82 Ivysaur
#83 Jynx
#86 Magmar
#89 Poliwhirl
#92 Wartortle
#94 Bulbasaur
#95 Bulbasaur
#97 Charmandar
#99 Chikorita
#106 Diglett
#112 Hoppip
#119 Mareep
#120 Marill
#122 Oddish
#125 Poliwag
#128 Rattata
#130 Spearow
#134 Totodile
#135 Totodile
#136 Vulpix
#139 Dual Ball
#141 Energy Restore
#143 Master Ball
#144 Multi Technical Machine 01
#146 Pokemon Reversal
#147 Power Charge
#151 Super Scoop Up
#152 Warp Point
#153 Energy Search
#157 Switch
#158 Darkness Energy
#160 Fighting Energy
#162 Grass Energy
#163 Lightning Energy

#H1 Ampharos
#H2 Arcanine
#H3 Ariados
#H4 Azumarill
#H5 Bellossom
#H6 Blissey
#H7 Electrode
#H8 Entei
#H9 Espeon
#H10 Exeggutor
#H11 Houndoom
#H12 Hypno
#H13 Jumpluff
#H14 Kingdra
#H15 Lanturn
#H16 Magneton
#H17 Muk
#H18 Nidoking
#H19 Ninetales
#H20 Octillery
#H21 Scizor
#H22 Slowking
#H23 Steelix
#H24 Sudowoodo
#H25 Suicune
#H27 Togetic
#H28 Tyranitar
#H29 Umbreon
#H30 Victreebel
#H31 Vileplume
#H32 Zapdos
#1 Ampharos
#2 Arcanine
#3 Ariados
#4 Azumarill
#5 Bellossom
#7 Donphan
#8 Electrode
#9 Elekid
#10 Entei
#13 Exeggutor
#14 Houndoom
#15 Houndoom
#16 Hypno
#17 Jumpluff
#20 Lanturn
#21 Lanturn
#22 Magneton
#26 Octillery
#29 Primeape
#30 Quagsire
#31 Rapidash
#32 Scizor
#33 Slowbro
#34 Slowking
#35 Steelix
#36 Sudowoodo
#37 Suicune
#38 Tentacruel
#39 Togetic
#40 Tyranitar
#42 Victreebel
#44 Zapdos
#45 Bellsprout
#46 Dodrio
#47 Flaafy
#48 Furret
#49 Gloom
#50 Golduck
#52 Magnemite
#53 Marill
#56 Pupitar
#57 Scyther
#60 Skiploom
#61 Smoochum
#62 Spinarak
#63 Tyrogue
#65 Weepinbell
#66 Wooper
#67 Aipom
#68 Bellsprout
#70 Chinchou
#71 Chinchou
#73 Doduo
#77 Exeggcute
#79 Grimer
#80 Growlithe
#81 Hitmonchan
#85 Horsea
#87 Houndour
#88 Kangaskhan
#90 Lickitung
#91 Magnemite
#95 Mr. Mime
#99 Paras
#101 Pinsire
#102 Ponyta
#107 Sentret
#109 Smeargle
#110 Sneasel
#112 Tangela
#114 Togepi
#115 Voltorb
#117 Wooper
#118 Apricorn Forest
#119 Darkness Cube 01
#120 Energy Switch
#121 Fighting Cube 01
#122 Fire Cube 01
#124 Grass Cube 01
#127 Lightning Cube 01
#128 Memory Berry
#131 Pokemon Park
#132 Psychic Cube 01
#133 See r
#134 Super Energy Removal 2
#135 Time Shard
#137 Traveling Salesman
#138 Undersea Ruins
#139 Power Plant
#140 Water Cube 01
#141 Weakness Guard
#142 Darkness Energy
#143 Metal Energy
#144 Rainbow Energy
#145 Boost Energy
#146 Crystal Energy
#147 Warp Energy
#148 Kingdra HOLO
#149 Lugia HOLO
#150 Nidoking HOLO

#H14 Ledian
#35 Xatu
#41 Omanyte
#54 Eevee
#76 Magnemite
#84 Pikachu
#91 Rhyhorn
#93 Sandslash
#111 Venomoth
#133 Mystery Plate α
#138 Oracle

EX Ruby & Sapphire
#1 Aggron HOLO
#4 Camperupt HOLO
#5 Delcatty HOLO
#6 Dustox HOLO
#8 Hariyama HOLO
#12 Slaking HOLO
#14 Wailord HOLO
#22 Sharpedo
#59 Mudkip
#62 Phanpy
#83 Lady Outing
#84 Lum Berry
#93 Darkness Energy
#96 Chansey Ex

EX Sandstorm
#1 Armaldo HOLO
#3 Cradily HOLO
#4 Dusclops HOLO
#5 Flareon HOLO
#7 Ludicolo HOLO
#8 Lunatone HOLO
#9 Mawile HOLO
#10 Sableye HOLO
#12 Shiftry HOLO
#13 Solrock HOLO
#14 Zangoose HOLO
#17 Golduck
#22 Shiftry
#24 Umbreon
#25 Vaporeon
#28 Anorith
#30 Azumaril
#32 Baltoy
#36 Elekid
#40 Kirlia
#43 Lileep
#46 Lombre
#47 Murkrow
#49 Nuzleaf
#52 Vigoroth
#53 Volbeat
#54 Wynaut
#69 Natu
#80 Slakoth
#83 Wailmer
#88 Rare Candy
#95 Aggron ex
#96 Gardevoir ex
#98 Raichu ex

EX Dragon
#1 Absol HOLO
#2 Altaria HOLO
#7 Minun HOLO
#8 Plusle HOLO
#10 Salamence HOLO
#11 Shedinja HOLO
#12 Torkoal HOLO
#20 Shelgon
#23 Bagon
#36 Marshtomp
#43 Shuppet
#53 Corphish
#63 Magnemite
#75 Swablu
#83 Buffer Piece
#86 Low Pressure System
#89 Ampharos ex
#90 Dragonite ex
#92 Kingdra ex
#93 Latias ex
#95 Macargo ex
#96 Muk ex
#97 Rayquaza ex
#98 Charmander
#100 Charizard

EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua
#2 Team Aqua's Crawdaunt HOLO
#4 Team Aqua's Manectric HOLO
#5 Team Aqua's Sharpedo HOLO
#10 Team Magma's Houndoom HOLO
#11 Team Magma's Rhydon HOLO
#12 Team Magma's Torkoal HOLO
#13 Raichu
#15 Team Aqua's Mightyena
#17 Team Aqua's Seviper
#18 Team Aqua's Sharpedo
#19 Team Magma's Camerupt
#24 Team Aqua's Cacnea
#26 Team Aqua's Corphish
#29 Team Aqua's Manectric
#34 Team Magma's Houndoom
#35 Team Magma's Houndour
#38Team Magma's Rhyhorn
#43 Pikachu
#45 Slowpoke
#47 Team Aqua's Carvanha
#55 Team Aqua's Poochyena
#70 Team Magma Schemer
#71 Archie
#74 Strength Charm
#76 Team Aqua Belt
#79 Team Aqua Technical Machine 01
#80 Team Magma Ball
#83 Team Magma Hideout
#85 Warp Point
#86 Aqua Energy
#88 Double Rainbow Energy
#89 Blaziken ex
#91 Entei ex
#92 Raikou ex
#93 Sceptile ex
#94 Suicune ex
#95 Swampert ex
#96 Absol
#97 Jirachi

EX Hidden Legends
#2 Claydol HOLO
#3 Crobat HOLO
#6 Exploud HOLO
#7 Heracross HOLO
#13 Pinsir HOLO
#14 Shiftry HOLO
#17 Chimecho
#18 Gorebyss
#23 Rain Castform
#36 Golbat
#38 Lanturn
#40 Luvdisk
#45 Nuzleaf
#46 Rhydon
#48 Spinda
#57 Chinchou
#70 Rhyhorn
#84Ancient Technical Machine [Ice]
#86 Ancient Technical Machine [Steel]
#88 Desert Ruins
#89 Island Cave
#93 Groudoun ex
#94 Kyogre ex
#95 Metagross ex
#96 Ninetales ex
#97 Regice ex
#98 Regirock ex
#99Registeel ex
#101 Wigglytuff ex
#102 Groudoun HOLO

EX FireRed & LeafGreen
#2 Butterfree HOLO
#3 Dewgong HOLO
#4 Ditto HOLO
#5 Eseggutor HOLO
#6 Kangaskhan HOLO
#7 Marowak HOLO
#13 Rapidash HOLO
#14 Slowbro HOLO
#15 Snorlax HOLO
#19 Chansey
#21 Dodrio
#22 Dugtrio
#24 Fearow
#26 Kingler
#28 Primeape
#29 Scyther
#34 Haunter
#39 Metapod
#40 Nidorina
#41 Nidorino
#44 Persian
#51 Weepinbell
#57 Charmander
#59 Clefairy
#66 Krabby
#71 Nidoran (m)
#79 Shellder
#90 Energy Switch
#92Great Ball
#93 Life Herb
#94Mt. Moon
#95 Poke Ball
#96 PokeDex HANDY909
#97 Pokemon Reversal
#99 Super Scoop Up
#100 VS Seeker
#104 Blastoise ex
#105 Charizard ex
#106 Clefable ex
#107 Electrode ex
#108 Gengar ex
#109 Gyarados ex
#110 Mr. Mime ex
#112 Venusaur ex
#113 Charmander HOLO
#115 Moltres ex
#116 Zapdos ex

EX Team Rocket Returns
#2 Dark Ampharos
#3 Dark Crobat
#4 Dark Electrode
#5 Dark Houndoom
#6 Dark Hypno
#8 Dark Octillery
#9 Dark Slowking
#10 Dark Steelix
#11 Jumpluff
#13 Piloswine
#14 Togetic
#15 Dark Dragonite
#16 Dark Muk
#17 Dark Raticate
#19 Dark Tyranitar
#20 Dark Tyranitar
#22 Furret
#23 Ledian
#25 Misdreavus
#27 Qwilfish
#29 Dark Arbok
#30 Dark Ariados
#31 Dark Dragonair
#34 Dark Golbat
#35 Dark Golduck
#36 Dark Gyarados
#37 Dark Houndoom
#38 Dark Magcargo
#39 Dark Magneton
#40 Dark Pupitar
#41 Dark Pupitar
#43 Heracross
#44 Magmar
#45 Mantine
#46 Rocket's Meowth
#47 Rocket's Wobbuffet
#48 Seadra
#59 Houndour
#63 Larvitar
#65 Magikarp
#67 Mareep
#71 Rattata
#75 Sentret
#82 Zubat
#83 Copycat
#84 Pokemon Retriever
#85 Pow! Hand Extension
#86 Rocket Admin
#87 Rocket's Hideout
#88 Rocket's Mission
#89 Rocket's Pokeball
#90 Rocket's Tricky Gym
#91 Surprise! Time Machine
#92 Swoop! Teleporter
#94 Dark Metal Energy
#95 R Energy
#96 Rocket's Articuno ex
#97 Rocket's Entei ex
#98 Rocket's Hitmonchan ex
#99 Rocket's Mewtwo ex
#100 Rocket's Moltres ex
#101 Rocket's Scizor ex
#102 Rocket's Scyther ex
#103 Rocket's Sneasel ex
#104 Rocket's Snorlax ex
#105 Rocket's Suicune ex
#106 Rocket's Zapdos ex
#107 Mudkip *
#108 Torchic *
#109 Treecko *
#110 Charmeleon
#111 Here Comes Team Rocket!

EX Deoxys
#1 Altaria
#3 Breloom
#4 Camerupt
#6 Crawdaunt
#8 Gyarados
#9 Jirachi
#11 Metagross
#12 Mightyena
#13 Ninjask
#15 Slaking
#19 Ludicolo
#24 Seaking
#26 Skarmory
#29 Xatu
#30 Donphan
#34 Lombre
#35 Lotad
#37 Magcargo
#42 Nosepass
#49 Swellow
#54 Barbroach
#64 Magikarp
#84 Balloon Berry
#86 Energy Charge
#87 Lady Outing
#91 Space Center
#94 Heal Energy
#95 Scramble Energy
#96 Crobat ex
#97 Deoxys ex [Normal]
#98 Deoxys ex [Attack]
#99 Deoxys ex [Defense]
#100 Hariyama ex
#101 Manectric ex
#102 Rayquaza ex
#103 Salamence ex
#104 Sharpedo ex
#105 Latias *
#106 Latios *
#107 Rayquaza *
#108 Rocket's Raikou ex

EX Emerald
#1 Blaziken
#2 Deoxys [Speed]
#3 Exploud
#4 Gardevoir
#5 Groudoun
#6 Kyogre
#8 Milotic
#11 Swampert
#13 Glaile
#14 Groudoun
#18 Relicanth
#19 Rhydon
#20 Seviper
#21 Zangoose
#29 Grumpig
#32 Illumise
#35 Loudred
#36 Marshtomp
#37 Minun
#39 Plusle
#41 Swellow
#55 Meditite
#57 Numel
#74 Zigzagoon
#75 Battle Frontier
#76 Double Full Heal
#77 Lanette's Net Search
#79 Mr. Stone's Project
#80 Oran Berry
#81 PokeNav
#83 Rare Candy
#86 Darkness Energy
#87 Double Rainbow Energy
#88 Metal Energy
#89 Multi Energy
#90 Altaria ex
#91 Cacturne ex
#93 Deoxys ex [Speed]
#94 Dusclops ex
#95 Medicham ex
#96 Milotic ex
#97 Raichu ex
#98 Regice ex
#99 Regirock ex
#100 Registeel ex
#101 Grass Energy
#102 Fire Energy
#103 Water Energy
#104 Lightning Energy
#105 Psychic Energy
#106 Fighting Energy
#107 Farfetch'd

EX Unseen Forces
#1 Ampharos
#2 Ariados
#3 Bellossom
#4 Feraligatr
#5 Flareon
#6 Forretress
#7 Houndoom
#8 Jolteon
#9 Meganium
#10 Octillery
#12 Porygon2
#14 Slowking
#17 Typhlosion
#18 Ursaring
#19 Vaporeon
#20 Chansey
#22 Electabuzz
#23 Elekid
#25 Hitmonlee
#26 Hitmontop
#27 Ho-Oh
#28 Jynx
#30 Murkrow
#39 Granbull
#40 Lantrun
#41 Magcargo
#44 Quagsire
#45 Quilava
#48 Smeargle
#58 Gloom
#68 Poliwhirl
#71 Remoraid
#80 Curse Powder
#81 Energy Recycle System
#84 Energy Switch
#85 Fluffy Berry
#88 Pokemon Reversal
#90 Protective Orb
#93 Warp Point
#94 Energy Switch
#97 Metal Energy
#98Boost Energy
#100 Warp Energy
#101 Blissey ex
#102 Espeon ex
#103 Feraligatr
#104 Ho-Oh ex
#106 Meganium ex
#107 Politoed ex
#108 Scizor ex
#109 Steelix ex
#110 Typhlosion ex
#111 Tyranitar ex
#112 Umbreon ex
#113 Entei *
#114 Raikou *
#115 Suicune *
#116 Rocket's Persian ex
#117 Celebi ex

EX Delta Species
#2 Beedrill δ
#7 Jolteon δ
#8 Latias δ
#9 Latios δ
#11 Metagross δ
#13 Rayquaza δ
#15 Starmie δ
#17 Umbreon δ
#18 Vaporeon δ
#20 Azumarill
#22 Holon's Magneton
#24 Mightyena δ
#26 Rain Castform
#27 Sandslash δ
#28 Slowking
#29 Snow-cloud Castform
#31 Sunny Castform
#36 Ditto [Bulbasaur]
#37 Dirrto [Charmander]
#41 Dragonair δ
#59 Beldum δ
#64 Ditto [Squirtle]
#92 Holon Lass
#94 Holon Research Tower
#95 Holon Researcher
#97 Holon Scientist
#99 Master Ball
#100 Super Scoop Up
#103 Darkness Energy
#105 Holon Energy GL
#107 Metal Energy
#108 Flareon ex
#109 Jolteon ex
#110 Vaporeon ex
#111 Groudoun *
#112 Kyogre *
#113 Metagross *
#114 Azumarill

EX Legend Maker
#1 Aerodactyl
#2 Aggron
#4 Delcatty
#6 Golem
#7 Kabutops
#9 Machamp
#11 Muk
#12 Shiftry
#13 Victreebel
#14 Wailord
#15 Absol
#20 Lunatone
#21 Magmar
#23 Omastar
#25 Solrock
#27 Torkoal
#53 Geodude
#54 Grimer
#72 Cursed Stone
#75 Giant Stump
#77 Strange Cave
#80 Root Fossil
#81 Rainbow Energy
#83 Arcanine ex
#84 Armaldo ex
#85 Banette ex
#86 Dustox ex
#87 Flygon ex
#88 Mew ex
#89 Walrein ex
#90 Regice *
#91 Regirock *
#92 Registeel *
#93 Pikachu δ

EX Holon Phantoms
#1 Armaldo δ
#2 Cradily δ
#3 Deoxys δ [Attack]
#4 Deoxys δ [Defense]
#5 Deoxys δ [Normal]
#6 Deoxys δ [Speed]
#7 Flygon δ
#9 Kabutops δ
#10 Kingdra δ
#11 Latias δ
#12 Latios δ
#13 Omastar δ
#14 Pidgeot δ
#15 Raichu δ
#19 Bellossom δ
#21 Latias δ
#24 Mewtwo δ
#26 Rayquaza δ
#28 Regirock
#29 Registeel
#34 Zangoose
#95 Metal Energy
#96 Multi Energy
#97 Dark Metal Energy
#98 δ Rainbow Energy
#99 Crawdaunt ex
#100 Mew ex
#101 Mightyena ex
#102 Gyarados * δ
#103 Mewtwo *
#104 Pikachu *
#105 Grass Energy
#108 Lightning Energy
#109 Psychic Energy

EX Crystal Guardians
#1 Banette
#2 Blastoise δ
#3 Camerupt
#4 Charizard δ
#6 Ludicolo δ
#11 Swalot
#13 Wigglytuff
#14 Blastoise
#17 Dusclops
#72 Castaway
#77 Double Full Heal
#78 Dual Ball
#83 PokeNav
#89 Aggron ex
#90 Blaziken ex
#91 Delcatty ex
#92 Exploud ex
#93 Groudon ex
#94 Jirachi ex
#96 Sceptile ex δ
#97 Shiftry ex
#99 Alakazam *
#100 Celebi *

EX Dragon Frontiers
#4 Meganium δ
#8 Ninetales δ
#9 Pinsir δ
#11 Togetic δ
#12 Typhlosion δ
#24 Vibrava δ
#26 Bayleef δ
#90 Altaria ex δ
#92 Flygon ex δ
#93 Gardevoir ex δ
#94 Kingdra ex δ
#96 Latios ex δ
#97 Rayquaza ex δ
#98 Salamence ex δ
#99 Tyranitar ex δ
#100 Charizard * δ
#101 Mew * δ

EX Power Keepers
#1 Aggron
#2 Altaria
#7 Cradily
#10 Kabutops
#12 Raichu
#13 Slaking
#77 Great Ball
#78 Master Ball
#91 Warp Energy
#92 Absol ex
#93 Claydol ex
#94 Flygon ex
#95 Metagross ex
#96 Salamence ex
#98 Skarmory ex
#99 Walrein ex
#100 Flareon *
#101 Jolteon *
#102 Vaporeon *
#105 Water Energy
#107 Psychic Energy

Diamond & Pearl
#12 Rhyperior
#111 Pokedex HANDY910is
#120 Empoleon LV.X

Mysterious Treasures
#3 Ambipom
#5 Blissey
#16 Typhlosion
#26 Gyarados
#35 Sudowoodo
#40 Wiscash
#118 Multi Energy
#122 Lucario LV.X
#124 Time-Space Distortion

Secret Wonders
#1 Ampharos
#6 Gallade
#12 Lickilicky
#13 Ludicolo
#15 Mew
#20 Venusaur
#24 Dugtrio
#25 Electivire
#31 Magmortar
#131 Gardevoir LV.X

Great Encounters
#25 Milotic
#105 Dialga LV.X

Majestic Dawn
#6 Kabutops
#16 Bronzong
#29 Scizor
#30 Torterra
#34 Vaporeon
#62 Eevee
#87 Super Scoop Up
#97 Garchomp LV.X
#98 Glaceon LV.X
#99 Leafeon LV.X
#100 Porygon-Z LV.X

Legends Awakened
#2 Dragonite
#4 Giratina
#6 Heatran
#8 Luxray
#16 Spiritomb
#17 Yanmega
#19 Azelf
#31 Jirachi
#33 Lopunny
#39 Registeel
#41 Torkoal
#43 Uxie
#44 Victreebel
#46 Anorith
#49 Castform [Rain Form]
#54 Exeggutor
#68 Persian
#72 Swalot
#83 Beldum
#101 Hitmontop
#103 Houndour
#131 Cynthia's Feelings
#140 Azelf LV.X
#141 Gliscor LV.X
#142 Magnezone LV.X
#143 Mesprit LV.X
#144 Mewtwo LV.X
#145 Rhyperior LV.X
#146 Uxie LV.X

#9 Regigas
#21 Mamoswine
#29 Tangrowth
#31 Vespiqueen
#89 Poke Drawer +
#96 Dusknoir LV.X
#97 Heatran LV.X
#100 Regigigas LV.X
#SH3 Voltorb

#4 Delcatty
#7 Dialga G
#11 Manectric
#15 Shaymin
#17 Weavile G
#19 Banette
#25 Dustox
#26 Empoleon
#47 Crobat G
#115 Pokemon Rescue
#123 Drapion LV.X
#124 Giratina LV.X
#128 Electabuzz
#129 Hitmonchan
#130 Scyther
#SH4 Lotad

Rising Rivals
#17 Drapion SP
#22 Gastrodon [West Sea]
#103 Alakazam SP LV.X
#104 Floatzel GL LV.X
#106 Gallade SP LV.X
#107 Hippowdon LV.X
#108 Infernape SP LV.X
#109 Luxray GL LV.X
#110 Mismagius GL LV.X
#RT2 Frost Rotom
#RT3 Heat Rotom

Supreme Victors
#1 Absol G
#2 Blaziken FB
#8 Raquaza C
#13 Venusaur
#14 Yanmega
#19 Camerupt G
#23 Crawdaunt G
#24 Dewgong
#29 Honchkrow
#40 Roserade C
#42 Sandslash
#47 Wailord
#62 Ivysaur
#88 Yanma
#92 Buizel
#140 VS Seeker
#141 Absol G LV.X
#142Blaziken FB LV.X
#SH8 Relicanth
#SH9 Yanma

Platinum: Arceus
#5 Luxray
#7 Probopass
#19 Golem
#24 Pelipper
#94Arceus LV.X
#97 Gengar LV.X
#98 Salamence LV.X
#SH10 Bagon
#SH11 Ponyta
#SH12 Shinx

HeartGold & SoulSilver
#1 Arcanine
#2 Azumarill
#3 Clefable
#4 Gyarados
#6 Jumpluff
#7 Ninetales
#9 Quagsire
#10 Raichu
#15 Ariados
#17 Cleffa
#19 Farfetch'd
#20 Feraligatr
#21 Furret
#26 Meganium
#27 Persian
#54 Unown
#82 Snubbull
#84 Staryu
#86 Totodile
#92 Fisherman
#97 Donphan
#103 Double Colorless Energy
#104 Rainbow Energy
#105 Ampharos
#106 Blissey
#108 Feraligatr
#110 Typhlosion
#115 Grass Energy
#123 Gyarados

#2 Magmorter
#3 Manaphy
#4 Metagross
#6 Octillery
#7 Politoed
#8 Shaymin
#9 Sudowoodo
#10 Torterra
#11 Xatu
#12 Beedrill
#13 Blastoise
#14 Crobat
#15 Fearow
#16 Floatzel
#17 Kingdra
#18 Lanturn
#19 Lucario
#20 Ninetales
#21 Poliwrath
#22 Primeape
#23 Roserade
#25 Torkoal
#26 Tyranitar
#27 Ursaring
#28 Cherrim
#29 Dunsparce
#32 Kakuna
#33 Metang
#34 Minun
#35 Numel
#37 Poliwhirl
#38 Pupitar
#39 Pupitar
#46 Carnivine
#48 Chinchou
#51 Larvitar
#53 Mankey
#54 Misdreavus
#55 Natu
#57 Onix
#58 Poliwag
#60 Riolu
#61 Roselia
#65 Teddiursa
#70 Zubat
#73 Emcee's Chatter
#75 Engineer's Adjustments
#76 Good Rod
#81 Pokemon Circulator
#82 Rare Candy
#83 Super Scoop Up
#84 Crobat
#88 Tyranitar
#89 Ursaring
#90 Entei & Raikou Legend
#91 Entei & Raikou Legend
#92 Raikou & Suicune Legend
#93 Raikou & Suicune Legend
#94 Suicune & Entei Legend
#95 Suicune & Entei Legend
#TWO Alph Lithograph

#1 Bellossom
#6 Magcargo
#9 Togekiss
#10 Umbreon
#16 Honchkrow
#24 Vileplume
#77 Sage's Training
#83 Raichu
#84 Scizor
#85 Slowking
#89 Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend
#90 Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend
#THREE Alph Lithograph

#1 Aggron
#2 Altaria
#4 Drapion
#5 Mamoswine
#6 Nidoking
#7 Poygon-Z
#8 Rapidash
#9 Solrock
#10 Spiritomb
#11 Venomoth
#12 Victreebel
#14 Banette
#15 Bronzong
#19 Carnivine
#22 Golduck
#23 Grumpig
#24 Kricketune
#25 Lunatone
#27 Magmortar
#28 Nidoqueen
#36 Kangaskhan
#37 Lairon
#38 Lickilicky
#39 Luvdisc
#41 Magby
#45 Nidorina
#47 Pidgeotto
#50 Tentacruel
#58 Bronzor
#65 Kricketot
#69 Nidoran (f)
#72 Pidgey
#80 Tentacool
#82 Volbeat
#86 Indigo Plateau
#91 Absol
#92 Celebi
#93 Electrode
#94 Gengar
#95 Machamp
#97 Mew
#98 Yanmega
#100 Darkrai & Cresselia Legend
#101 Palkia & Dialga Legend
#102 Palkia & Dialga Legend

Call of Legends
Everything EXCEPT FOR:
#8 Hitmontop
#14 Lucario
#17 Ninetales
#18 Pachirisu
#27 Meganium
#31 Skarmory
#40 Bayleef
#41 Croconaw
#44 Flareon
#48 Pidgeotto
#49 Quilava
#53 Chikorita
#54 Clefairy
#62 Magmar
#63 Mareep
#65 Misdreavus
#67 Pidgey
#68 Pineco
#70 Slowpoke
#71 Snubbull
#72 Tangela
#73 Teddiursa
#75 Vulpix
#77 Copycat
#79 Interviewer's Questions
#82 Professor Elm's Training Method
#83 Professor Oak's New Theory
#84 Research Method
#85 Sage's Training

Black & White
#5 Serperior
#12 Maractus
#14 Sawsbuck
#20 Emboar
#22 Simisear
#26 Reshiram
#39 Alomomola
#46 Gavantula
#49 Musharna
#51 Swoobat
#62 Sawk
#64 Krokorok
#67 Liepard
#79 Watchog
#86 Unfezant
#87 Audino
#89 Cinccino
#91 Bouffalant
#94 Energy Switch
#108 Lightning Energy
#112 Metal Energy
#114 Zekrom
#115 Pikachu

Emerging Powers
#2 Simisage
#5 Swadloon
#7 Leavanny
#9 Cottonee
#10 Cottonee
#12 Whimsicott
#14 Lilligant
#16 Sawsbuck
#17 Virizion
#19 Simisear
#20 Darumaka
#21 Darmanitan
#22 Panpour
#25 Basculin
#27 Swanna
#28 Cubchoo
#31 Beartic
#37 Swoobat
#40 Scolipede
#42 Sigilyph
#45 Gothorita
#47 Gothitelle
#48 Gothitelle
#49 Roggenrola
#52 Boldore
#53 Gigalith
#54 Drilbur
#56 Excadrill
#57 Excadrill
#59 Sawk
#62 Krookodile
#63 Terrakion
#67 Zoroark
#72 Ferrothorn
#73 Ferrothorn
#77 Cobalion
#79 Watchog
#82 Unfezant
#83 Audino
#85 Cinccino
#87 Rufflet
#88 Braviary
#89 Tornadus
#92 Cheren
#95 Pokemon Catcher
#96 Recycle
#97 Thundurus
#98 Tornadus

Noble Victories
Everything EXCEPT FOR:
#84 Cobalion

Next Destinies
#41 Zapdos

Dark Explorers

Dragons Exalted

Boundaries Crossed
Everything EXCEPT:
#21 Numel
#22 Camerupt
#27 Darumaka
#28 Darmanitan
#29 Squirtle
#30 Wartortle
#31 Blastoise
#33 Psyduck
#34 Golduck
#38 Delibird
#39 Oshawott
#40 Dewott
#41 Samurott
#44 Frillish
#45 Jellicent
#46 Crogonal
#48 Keldeo
#50 Pikachu
#51 Voltorb
#52 Electrode
#53 Electabuzz
#54 Electivire
#100 Black Kyurem
#102 White Kyurem
#109 Snorlax
#111 Dunsparce
#113 Skitty
#114 Delcatty
#116 Buneary
#117 Lopunny
#120 Lillipup
#128 Energy Search
#129 Great Ball
#130 Hugh
#132 Potion
#134 Skyla
#135 Switch

Plasma Storm
#3 Torterra
#10 Leavanny
#11 Maractus
#14 Moltres EX
#18 Vicinti EX
#23 Heatmor
#25 Articuno EX
#31 Ludicolo
#37 Vanilluxe
#41 Beartic
#44 Magneton
#46 Magnezone
#47 Magnezone
#48 Zapdos EX
#55 Crobat
#58 Weezing
#64 Trubbish
#66 Garbodor
#67 Garbodor
#70 Beeheeyem
#72 Donphan
#78 Lucario
#80 Gurdurr
#81 Conkeldurr
#84 Liepard
#86 Scrafty
#89 Klang
#90 Klingklang
#95 Black Kyurem EX
#96 White Kyurem EX
#104 Togekiss
#107 Exploud
#108 Lugia EX
#113 Watchog
#114 Bouffalant
#117 Bicycle
#120 Escape Rope
#128 Dowsing Machine
#130 Victory Piece
#131 Vicinti EX
#132 Articuno EX
#133 Cobalion EX
#134 Lugia EX
#135 Colress
#136 Charizard
#137 Blastoise
#138 Random Receiver

Plasma Freeze
#2 Kakuna
#4 Exeggcute
#5 Exeggutor
#8 Sceptile
#10 Cacturne
#11 Leafeon
#13 Heatran EX
#17 Reshiram
#22 Quaqsire
#23 Glaceon
#25 Palpitoad
#29 Vanilluxe
#31 Kyurem
#34 Jolteon
#38 Thundurus EX
#39 Zekrom
#42 Nidoqueen
#47 Mr.Mime
#49 Sableye
#52 Metagross
#53 Deoxys EX
#56 Cofagrigus
#58 Nidoking
#59 Mankey
#61 Onix
#63 Hariyama
#64 Umbreon
#66 Weavile
#67 Absol
#70 Krookodile
#71 Pawniard
#72 Pawniard
#73 Bisharp
#78 Hydreigon
#83 Dragonite
#84 Kingdra
#85 Latias EX
#87 Rattata
#92 Noctowl
#94 Kecleon
#96 Staravia
#97 Staraptor
#98 Tornadus EX
#101 Ghetsis
#104 Team Plasma Badge
#105 Team Plasma Ball
#106 Plasma Energy
#107 Life Dew
#108 Rock Guard
#109 Heatran EX
#110 Thundurus EX
#111 Deoxys EX
#112 Latias EX
#114 Tornadus EX
#115 Ghetsis
#116 Professor Juniper
#117 Empoleon
#118 Sigilyph
#119 Garbodor
#120 Garchomp
#121 Max Potion
#122 Ultra Ball

Plasma Blast
#2 Masquerain
#4 Cradily
#9 Virizion EX
#10 Genesect
#11 Genesect EX
#16 Blastoise
#17 Lapras
#20 Suicune
#26 Abomasnow
#30 Kyurem EX
#34 Drifloon
#36 Uxie
#37 Mesprit
#38 Azelf
#41 Sigilyph
#46 Golurk
#49 Machamp
#54 Archeops
#61 Escavalier
#64 Salamence
#65 Dialga EX
#66 Palkia EX
#74 Porygon-Z
#84 Professor Juniper
#85 Rare Candy
#92 G Booster
#93 G Scope
#94 Master Ball
#95 Scoop Up Cyclone
#96 Virizion EX
#97 Genesect EX
#98 Jirachi EX
#99 Dialga EX
#100 Palkia EX
#101 Iris
#102 Exeggcute
#103 Virizion
#104 Dusknoir
#105 Rare Candy

Legendary Treasures
#4 Cherubi
#8 Serperior
#12 Leavanny
#22 Moltres
#23 Victini
#24 Victini ex
#27 Emboar
#28 Reshiram
#42 Seismitoad
#43 Kyurem
#45 Keldeo ex
#50 Thundurus
#52 Zekrom ex
#65 Swoobat
#66 Sigilyph
#77 Chandelure ex
#78 Meloetta
#80 Lucario
#82 Excadrill ex
#84 Terrakion
#87 Spiritomb
#88 Darkrai ex
#90 Zoroark
#91 Cobalion
#99 Hydreigon
#102 Lugia ex
#107 Bouffalant
#109 Bianca
#114 Reshiram
#115 Zekrom
#RC7 Pikachu

#1 Venusaur ex
#2 Mega Venusaur ex
#13 Quilladin
#14 Chesnaught
#21 Magcargo
#28 Talonflame
#30 Mega Blastoise ex
#35 Lapras
#41 Greninja
#43 Raichu
#46 Emolga ex
#57 Gourgeist
#62 Rhyperior
#63 Lunatone
#73 Zoroark
#79 Yveltal ex
#85 Aeigislash
#90 Wigglytuff
#93 Aromatisse
#95 Slurpuff
#96 Xerneas
#97 Xerneas ex
#100 Tauros
#110 Stoutland
#114 Furfrou
#121 Muscle Band
#124 Red Card
#136 Psychic Energy
#137 Fighting Energy
#138 Darkness Energy
#139 Metal Energy
#142 Blastoise ex
#143 Emolga ex
#144 Yveltal ex
#146 Xerneas ex

#2 Metapod
#3 Butterfree
#7 Pineco
#11 Charizard EX
#12 Charizard EX
#13 MEGA Charizard EX
#20 Pyroar
#23 Milotic
#26 Walrein
#34 Luxray
#35 Magnezone EX
#37 Heliolisk
#41 Toxicroak EX
#43 Meowstic
#47 Golem
#49 Barbaracle
#55 Stunktank
#64 Flotte
#66 Florges
#68 Carbink
#69 MEGA Charizard EX
#70 Druddigon
#71 Dragalge
#73 Sliggoo
#74 Goodra
#77 Pidgeot
#78 Kangaskhan EX
#79 MEGA Kangaskhan EX
#80 Snorlax
#85 Lopunny
#89 Fiery Torch
#93 Pokemon Center Lady
#94 Pokemon Fan Club
#96 Sacred Ash
#100 Charizard EX
#101 Magnezone EX
#102 Toxicroak EX
#103 Kangaskhan EX
#104 Lysandre
#105 Pokemon Center Lady
#106 Pokemon Fan Club
#107 MEGA Charixard EX
#108 MEGA Charizard EX
#109 MEGA Kangaskhan EX

Other Sets

Southern Islands

Wizards Black Star Promos
#9 Mew
#12 Mewtwo
#13 Venusaur
#19 Sabrina's Abra
#20 Psyduck
#24 ____'s Pikachu
#26 Pikachu
#28 Surfing Pikachu
#35 Pichu
#37 Hitmontop
#40 Pokemon Center
#41 Lucky Stadium
#45 Scyther
#47 Mew
#48 Articuno
#49 Snorlax
#50 Celebi

Nintendo Black Star Promos
Everything EXCEPT:
#8 Torchic
#13 Meowth
#14 Latias
#15 Latios
#21 Jirachi

DP Black Star Promos
#5 Tropical Wind
#6 Buneary
#7 Cranidos
#8 Shieldon
#10 Infernape LV.X
#12 Lucario LV.X
#13 Buizel
#16 Pikachu
#20 Magmortar
#22 Mime Jr.
#23 Glameow
#24 Darkrain
#25 Tropical Wind
#26 Dialga
#27 Palkia
#29 Rhyperior LV.X
#31 Heatran LV.X
#33 Dusknoir
#34 Drifblim
#36 Gliscor
#40 Regigigas
#42 Carnivine G
#43 Probopass G
#44 Magnezone
#45 Charizard G LV.X
#47 Rayquaza C LV.X
#48 Tropical Wind
#49 Dialga
#50 Arceus
#54 Beginning Door
#55 Ultimate Zone
#56 Arceus LV.X

HGSS Black Star Promos
Everything EXCCEPT:
#7 Feraligatr
#9 Typhlosian

BW Black Star Promos
Everything EXCEPT:
#9 Zoroark
#17 Ducklett
#96 Tornadus EX

XY Black Star Promos

POP Series 1
#3 Rayquaza
#4 Sceptile
#7 Masquerain
#8 Murkrow
#9 Pupitar
#10 Torkoal
#11 Larvitar
#13 Plusle
#14 Surskit
#16 Armaldo EX
#17 Tyranitar EX

POP Series 2
#3 Raikou
#4 Suicune
#6 Venusaur
#7 Ivysaur
#8 Mr. Briney's Compassion
#9 Multi Technical Machine 01
#10 Pokemon Park
#11 TV Reporter
#17 Celebi EX

POP Series 3
#1 Blastoise
#2 Flareon
#3 Jolteon
#4 Minun
#6 Vaporeon
#8 Donphan
#10 High Pressure System
#17 Ho-Oh EX

POP Series 4
#1 Chimecho Delta
#3 Flygon
#5 Sceptile
#6 Combusken
#7 Grovyle
#8 Heal Energy
#10 Scramble Energy
#17 Deoxys EX [Speed]

POP Series 5
#5 Charmeleon Delta
#16 Espeon *
#17 Umbreon *

POP Series 6

POP Series 7
#3 Latias

POP Series 8

POP Series 9

wants, tcg, cards

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