Leaving home in approximately 28 hours...

Mar 20, 2008 02:54

...and I'm still completely unpacked. :D;

And I think it's going to be raining when we arrive in China. D:

Today I hung out with C. for the first time in AGES, and for the first time since we both realized we were sucked into the Arashi fandom. So we went to eat Curry House (curry with omurice = SO GOOD), Pinkberry (where I had yogurt chips for the first time (SUPER UMAI) and coffee-flavored yogurt (...disgusting, to say the least)), and browsed around J-town in general, during which I picked up something that caught my eye and was ridiculously cute.

It's a figurine from Yotsuba &!, the manga by the same author as Azumanga Daioh. If this doesn't prove I'm an impulse buyer, I don't know what does. xD;;

Random conversations of the day that cracked me up:

Dad: I saw this group of singers on TV that had the coolest zip-up jackets.
Me: Oh?
Dad: Yeah, they zip all the way up to the top of their hoods. If you see something like that in China, BUY IT FOR ME.
Me: Uh, okay. Give me your size.
Dad: 185.
Me: No, like, write it down or something.
Dad: You can't remember 185?
Me: Sure I can, but I won't remember what it's for. I'll just remember '185', and wonder why I remember it.
Dad: 185, you won't forget it.
Me: Why?
Dad: Because I told you so.

C.: *draws a crooked line* OH NO!
Me: ...WHERE?!

My list of to-dos before I leave:
- weigh empty suitcase to estimate how much stuff I can pack without going over the weight limit
- actually pack
- play Guitar Hero? :D
- unlock roaming on my phone
- charge all accessories to full battery power

current mood:
currently listening to: Fight the Blues - 宇多田ヒカル

fangirl mode on, family = crack, sleepless nights

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