Sep 05, 2006 17:08
Mike and I were looking to move in November... but who knows with the hustle and bustle of the holiday rush. It might have to wait until after the new year. It'll all depend on what we find for apartments, I suppose.
My grad school classes start next week.
My work is moving up to Andover in late November.
Financial aid offered me $10,000 more than I need to pay for my entire grad school program. I'm not taking out the whole package, but I will take out extra to pay off credit cards (lower interest rate) and also some emergency money if I find myself in a bind with this whole moving thing. I'm putting it in a seperate bank account though, so I won't feel like its play money.
I can hardly believe summer is all over, but I'm looking forward to the brisk feeling of fall.
I've switched from iced to hot coffee. The seasons are definitely changing.