Dec 31, 2005 04:51
so if you are interested in art, german stuff, classy stuff, or really sweet views of the insides of those nice buildings on 5th avenue, go to the neue gallerie NOW. Right now there's an exhibit of Egon Schiele's work, i think through February. It's the best collection of his work in the US, and he's really a fabulous artist. He is often mistaken for Klimt (they were friends, and actually Klimt mentored Schiele). It's a fascinating retrospective, and you get a good sense of his progression as an artist, though he tragically died at age 28 in 1918 of influenza, 3 days after his wife died of the same.
mini bio there.
anyway, there's also a cafe in the museum with live music and cabaret performances on select nights. the cafe is like being in Vienna, or so i'm told by my well-traveled mother. it does feel like being in europe for an evening, while simultaneously feeling very new york. check it out.