Dec 02, 2006 07:34
After a week of me cursing the world and feeling sick and hating life ... there is today. It's a saturday, and i have to wake up at 6 am AGAIN to do a dance presentation at my school. I didn't know the choreography, but the teacher assured me that i could learn it "the hour before the performance." Grrrreat. And sometimes all the little things agitate me, like when i am told that we are supposed to be there at 9am, but i get an email on my phone at 7:30 am that is like "Keichan, did you know we are meeting at 8:30am?"
I started a long letter to joseph campbell the other day, and i was finishing it on the train ride to the presentation. I thanked him for something he told me last night, because i asked him a question in a previous letter and he gave me a little answer while i was practicing the choreography. I asked himto come to the presentation, and i promised that if he did, i would do the movements consciously and yet without thought at the same time. He came. Sometimes i slipped up and thought an extraneous thought, but mostly not. It was good. The teacher asked me how i felt about it before the presentation, and i said something in japanese that means "i'm troubled," and during he said "good job caitlin" and afterwards he gave me a nice arm pat.
He also explained modern dance fully to the audience, which i appreciated. However, while explaining the difference between caucasian bodies and japanese bodies, he was like "its b/c white people were cowboys and we were bent over in the rice field!" Uhhh.... what?
Afterwards, we all went out to lunch and i had yakisoba and a green tea ice cream float. I mostly talked to yuri, and we had a "slow" conversation. But it was nice. She is 21, yet she feels much older than the 19-yr-old energetic freshman, which i can understand. She plays dice role-playing games with her friends, and they record their games and publish it in magazines in which they draw pictures of the characters. She says that she doesn't really fit in well with everyone and doesn't have many friends. I couldn't guess, because she is usually smiling and saying something in a playfully wry way. Unlike most other girls her age who shriek words in a high-pitched giggle pace, she speaks in a low tone. She's beautiful. On the way home, i was trying to talk to yuko on the train about a dance piece. She started using words that i totally couldn't understand, and our conversation reached a standstill. These two middle aged women standing next to us stated what yuko said in perfect english. "She is saying that the japanese mind is square, that it is diligent and honest, and so the body moves differently." I have no idea what that means, but it was nice anyways.
This should have gone in my notebook instead, so sorry! But sharing is carying,so here you go.