so baby, don't worry--

Jun 23, 2010 01:01

1. Write 20 things you wish you could say to people, but never will/are too shy to.
2. Don't say who they are.
3. Never discuss it again. (If you guys guess which one is yours, I'll tell you yes or no. Simple as that.

a. You are a lovely person, and I honestly don't know how I survived without you.
b. So I've had a sort of crush on you for a while. But I'm totally afraid to ever bring it up, lest you think I'm some kind of creepy stalker girl. I promise I'm not. I'm just really awkward and boring and it takes forever for me to get comfortable enough around people to be open with them, and you wouldn't like me in that way anyway...
c..If you really wanted your shit back, you would grow a pair and fucking call me. At least send me a Facebook message. You begging and claiming that you're desperate might work if it were someone else. But not me. P.S. like hell you're getting my address. Go to hell.
d. I know we're related (loosely). But claiming that you got my number off google is creepy as fuck. I was one room away and you have a fucking mouth. Ask me.
e. You're sweet. You really are. But please stop trying to come on to me.
g. OHAI. Drop dead.
h. I wish I were more like you. People like you because you're so sure of yourself, but you're not conceited or bitchy. Confidence is a good thing--please don't change.
i. If you weren't our leader, I probably would have quit ages ago. Even when things were tough, thanks for sticking it out. I know I keep saying it, but things can't suck forever. Soon, things will start looking up!
j. I constantly wonder what you think of me. I'm not worried about it, I'm just really curious, but I'm afraid to ask because I think you'd try to sugarcoat it, even if I asked you not to...
k. I'm so glad you like Pokemon as much as I do. Makes me feel a little less nerdy, y'know?
l. Sometimes I get so super jealous of you that I can't talk to you. At all. It's ridiculous, yeah I know.
m. I wish you would stop trying to look cooler in front of your friends. I think you are perfectly fine the way you are.
n. That one quote you said about Bleach when we talked at A-kon. I still haven't stopped laughing about it. It also makes me want to cosplay Bleach again. Thanks for that.
o. You may worry other people, because you are skinny and a skank and an attention whore. But I know other girls who are skinnier, more skankier, and so much more of an attention whore than you would ever dream to be. You do not worry me. But try and move in on what is mine and I promise you will not come out unharmed.
p. You remind my why I have trust issues. Because people like you still exist.
q. I'm so afraid to talk to you on MSN. In person, yeah, okay, I'm totally fine with that. But not over instant messenger. Sorry.
r. When I see you on my News Feed, I get the urge to talk to you. But I don't know what to say, and I'm afraid it'll get awkward and that gap'll widen. So I don't say anything.
s. It's fun to pretend to hate you. But dude. You're 23 years old. You should know that I'm not serious. And don't tell me you knew I was kidding. If you knew, you wouldn't be complaining about me to her. Dumbass.
t. I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry.

So glad almost no one knows I have a lj. = w=
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