Dec 23, 2009 18:55

And this is it.


GOD. If there was ever a reason for me to hate the holidays, it’s because I hate 95% of my extended family. >n>

I have been RUSHED. RUSHEDRUSHEDRUSHED. Even more so over than preparing for Yulecon, and that was a little over a month ago. Like, two days over a month ago. And that was when I was busy faux-studying for school and everything. Now, it’s winter break and I have ample time to think only about cosplays. Except now I have to worry about all of my extended family and, quite literally, their moms coming over, wanted to take up my time with mindless, idle chitchat and forcing me to A) babysit their kids (ranged anywhere from 14 months to 6 years), B) interact and get along with cousins who are all in the same general age range as me, or C) ALL OF THE ABOVE and waste precious hours of my life.


I’m… not really a hateful person. It’s just that most of my family is the epitome of a lot of the things I don’t like in people. Especially on my dad’s side. The side that happens to live nearest to us. And I’m not really the type of person who will even begrudgingly try to get along with someone I don’t even remotely like. And on top of all that, my costumes for Ikkicon still aren’t finished, and I still have to clean clean clean the entirety of the house and the yards to my mother’s satisfaction in order to have people over. Wasting my time around this time of year only serves to piss me the hell off.

Sigh. Oh well-at least they’re gone now. :/ I was deathly ill all weekend (that is to say, I had a stomach bug and was stuck in bed all weekend. ^^;; no actual dying included~) and only started feeling better Monday night. Tuesday, Tara, Kitt and I did a couple PVs and went to Karaoke. Today, I was rather abruptly woken up at the ungodly hour of eight AM by my mom to do yard work. 8| Yes, that’s right. Two days after my near death experience (ahem), I had to wake up to my mom flipping on and off the lights, telling me to get up and come outside and with clean the yard. On a holiday break. Outside. My brother and I spent four hours raking leave and pecan debris (damn you, overly large pecan treessss. *shakes fist menacingly*). The only fun part was that I got to mess around with the leafblower. >:D That was great, I have to admit. But yeah. Then I had to change clothes and entertain people I disliked for a couple more hours. I did, though, get a really great gift idea that the people I’ll be staying with at Ikkicon will be receiving. ;D I really hope you guys enjoy it~

OH. IKKICON. Thanks to my distractions, I have, like, a week to finish two costumes. And by that I mean that I have a week to finish Tsubaki completely and to churn out Amulet Dia. Which I had planned to finish prepping for today, since just about everything’s going to be closed for Christmas Eve tomorrow and everything going to be wonky due to the holidays and ASDF;KJ;K;. But thanks to unforeseen circumstances… ugh. Whatever, I’ll do it as soon as I can. Because I’m a stubborn little shit and when I want to get something done, dammit, it will be done.

Other than that, my life is fine. Talked to Taylor about today and she’s taking me out for Christmas Eve-Eve Dance Dance Revolution Extreme after she gets off work, so that cheers me up a little. Meanwhile, I’m going to go and try to clean up a little more so that my mom will get off my case. 8| Okay. See yahh~

rant, ikkicon

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