A Post! A Post!

May 06, 2005 13:58

I realized today why, I think, I don't like People. That's People with a capital P, mind you... I like individual people, just not the faceless masses of People in general. I have high expectations of how people should act, and I'm generally disappointed when I find out that they don't act that way.

Now, before you go accusing me of being some ivory tower elitist (because honestly, I probably am, and that's probably not going to change, so save your breath), here's what I mean:

People shouldn't be selfish.

I'm not talking about the obvious sort of selfish. I'm talking about casual selfishness, people who don't do things for others because it's too hard, or it's uncomfortable, or they're too lazy. I admit I'm guilty of this from time to time, but I at least try not to be. And I'm not even really talking about volunteering at a soup kitchen, or buying people gifts for no occasion, or anything like that. I'm talking about doing things that make people feel good about themselves. Little compliments, or helping out when things aren't going well, or just being a friendly ear rather than always talking about your own problems. Far too few people do things like this. It's no wonder that people are so mistrustful of others these days.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how there's a decline in community in our society. Funny thing for a self-professed antisocial person to be thinking about, huh? In our move-to-the-suburbs, buy a big house with a big lot and put a 6-foot fence around it sort of lives, there's not much room for other people. And even for people like me, who like being alone a lot of time, you need to have other people in your lives. So many people put off this aura of "don't bother me" that we're becoming little islands in a huge ocean of people. We sit in our houses and watch television and play online poker and instant message people and cut out so much face-to-face interaction with people. For some people, it's a conscious choice, and that's great. More power to you. But for so many people, it's the path of least resistance. And I think that, more than any perceived "moral decay" that so many loudmouthed idiots go on about, is what's tearing apart our society.

Get off your butts, people. Go out for a walk. Go to the park and read a book instead of sitting in the glow of your computer or television. Stop being so lazy. Actually doing things is what gives you energy. Not "resting" by becoming a couch slug.

Anyway... this is what you get when I don't post in a while. Random philosophical musings on the state of modern American society.
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