Wanted: WAFFle Fluf bunnies

May 23, 2008 14:18

Because I've got angst down, I'm pretty sure I've got a good grasp on smut, though I'm still working on humor.

But fluff, and WAFF?

Those two escape me.

This also gives me the weekend to finish up Twin Ties and poke it to my liking (maybe some major pokings as I realized I made a bit of a mistake with Prowl *wince*).

So, in a comment to this entry, ( Read more... )

bunnies wanted

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Comments 22

wyntir_rose May 23 2008, 18:41:04 UTC

The pairing: Bluestreak and pre-TF:TM Daniel
The Scene: Bluestreak is recovering in the medbay after a semi-minor injury and Daniel is keeping him company and telling him about his latest interest. Daniel has just entered one of the common childhood interest-phases (Dinosaurs, Pirates, Cars, whatever) and is now an expert on the subject.


Did I say drabble? *embarassed grin* Hopefully achieved WAFF/Fluff (Part 1) okamichan May 23 2008, 21:21:42 UTC
Bluestreak hated to be in the medbay after shift. Especially when everyone else had been released, even the twins. Bluestreak held his doorwings stiffly upright, refusing to give into the irrational fear that ate at his circuits. His leg hurt where it had been shot, but he wasn’t about to wake up Ratchet to complain about it, the dent on his helm still smarted, after all.

Even the bright lights that illuminated every inch of the medbay provided fuel to Bluestreak’s notoriously overactive imagination. He shuttered his optics, wondering why Ratchet couldn’t have let him out before he left. I mean, it’s not like I’m Sideswipe, or, Primus forbid, Brawn, I don’t usually come here a lot. And why does it have to be so quiet in here? Or is it quiet? Was that something squealing over there? Did Ratchet leave something on, and forget about it? We’re right by the impact point too, and Sideswipe’s always joking about how Ratchet’s going to wake up the ones still buried in the mountain one day. What was that scratching? Was that something ( ... )


Re: Did I say drabble? *embarassed grin* Hopefully achieved WAFF/Fluff (Part 2) okamichan May 23 2008, 21:23:06 UTC
Bluestreak tilted his head at Daniel, watching as Daniel settled in the crook of his neck. “If he’s a sea devil, then what’s he doing in your closet?” He was certainly glad Prowl wasn’t here for this, he was sure it’d short out his logic circuits, and that would really make Ratchet mad, the CMO hated having to reset Prowl’s logic circuits.

“He’s waiting for me to be bad, so that he can come and get me easily.” Without further prompting from Bluestreak, he went on to explain, “Hound says that Davy Jones is nowhere near as nasty as Blackspark. Hound says that was a really nasty pirate on Cybertron, and he uses his hal- haul- holgram,” the little boy stumbled over the word, only to right back up without further hesitance, “to scare Davy Jones away, because you guys don’t taste good, and nothing’s scarier than Blackspark.”

Bluestreak had to mute the glitched choke from his vocalizer at that name. Blackspark was a near-mythic figure in Cybertronian mythology, but he wasn’t entirely sure that ‘pirate’ fit in what he was known for.
The warm ( ... )


Re: Did I say drabble? *embarassed grin* Hopefully achieved WAFF/Fluff (Part 2) wyntir_rose May 24 2008, 03:45:17 UTC
Okay, I thought I had replied to this ...

I loved this! Very warm and fluffy and fuzzy! Very sweet and it put a hue happy smile on my face


anonymous May 23 2008, 21:24:46 UTC
How about some Hound/Bluestreak? Slash and the prompt is Snowflakes.

'Cause you been wanting some H/B and I write too slow. But I am working on one for you. ;D


D'oh! tiamat1972 May 23 2008, 21:31:02 UTC
That was me. I didn't realize that LJ had logged me out.


Re: D'oh! okamichan May 24 2008, 00:34:53 UTC
Not many know of my itchings for Hound/Blue, so i kinda figured it was you. ^^;
It burned like acid.

Bluestreak shoved away from Hound, looking around in alarm, all the warmth and excitement vanishing in nearly blind panic. He expected to see a sniper hiding somewhere. Instead he saw the steady fall of white substance. It landed on his armor plating, burning where it stuck.

No, it didn't burn, it froze.

"Is it raining?"

Hound looked up at the cloudy sky. "You were damaged last time it happened." He grinned, eager to show his lover this earthen precipitation.

Bluestreak stared at his hands, catching the tiny crystals on his fingers. His optics zoomed in to a magnification that allowed him to see the individual form of the ice crystals.

Hound spread his arms, lifting his head back. "It's called snow."

"It's ice," Bluestreak countered. "Wow, I never knew that it rained ice before. Well, I mean, I know about sleet, but sleet's nothing like this. These are like tiny sculptures."
Hound grinned at Bluestreak. “ ( ... )


Re: D'oh! tiamat1972 May 24 2008, 01:08:42 UTC
Awwww! They are both so cute.

Want more bunnies? *waves 'Bunnies R Us' ad*


darkfire_blade May 24 2008, 04:31:56 UTC
Bunnie: Perceptor and Grimlock (or all the Dinobots)learning more about Earth culture.


Sorry it took me so long to finish this ^^;; (part 1) okamichan June 10 2008, 19:46:29 UTC
I've been gnawing at this at every chance I've had. XD It's hard to fluff a Dinobot, much less Grimlock, I'm not sure if I managed it. Do hope you think it's worth the wait.
This had to be punishment.

That was the only conclusion Perceptor could draw as he fit another ribbon on a hook . The ladder he stood on rocked unsteadily as he shifted his weight.

Yes, this indeed had to be punishment. Though he couldn’t imagine what warranted Wheeljack, of all mechs, dragging him out of the lab like that. Certainly Ratchet, or Prowl needed to step out of their work areas more so than Perceptor did. That was without taking into consideration that they had him preparing for a rather ridiculous human custom.

The notion of celebrating something like this baffled the scientist. He had missed a similar event the first few years of the Autobot's awakening by sheer virtue of not having been online. There were other customs that the Autobots followed: Christmas, Halloween (oh the pranksters seemed to love Halloween. ( ... )


(part 2) okamichan June 10 2008, 19:47:47 UTC
Perceptor finished hanging the banner. “I wasn't here for that, Grimlock. But I doubt it. It's simply not a Cybertronian custom to perform such an act. Mechs would come off the assembly line almost without stop for a while, and then the war started, and there was no time or reason to celebrate the life of someone who would likely die in their first battle.” Perceptor didn't see what joy humans, who barely lived for more than a vorn, could find in bringing an offspring to such a short existance.

Grimlock took a step back. “Autobots not care that Dinobots 'delivered', Autobots not care that Dinobots hurt. Dinobots not care that her, Carly, delivers offspring. Me, Grimlock, still say party stupid Autobot thing!”

Perceptor turned to the Dinobot, optics resetting in surprise. “You're here because the other Dinobots are in the medbay, aren't you?”

“What Autobot care?” Grimlock reclaimed the step he'd retreated and jabbed a big finger at the red mech. “It Dinobot problem.”
Perceptor turned an inscrutable look on the black and gold mech. “But ( ... )


Re: (part 2) darkfire_blade June 10 2008, 22:59:11 UTC
*chrrrs happily* Verrry much worth the wait. I could hear Perceptor so well in my head. Mmmm you write him very well :D I definitely look forward to if you write him more.

*quickly hugs Grimlock and dashes away*


padawan_sponge October 11 2008, 04:37:16 UTC
Sides and Sunny prank! ^_^


okamichan July 30 2009, 21:49:33 UTC
Just noting where this is answered at, my dear spongey padawan. Waiting for the Sun


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