Title Only On Special Occasions
Pairing Sideswipe/Jazz
Summary Flirty Jazz is a flirty Jazz
Author’s Note Spur of the moment fic written for Tiamat1972
Gah, thank you too. I woulda just deleted the repeat and been on my merry wolfie way.
Would rather write on NTT than a sequel. Besides, I have no idea where else to take this. (Also, SC? Sticky? Dragons? Blue-angst? Petting zoo. And now this? You're evil.)
Comments 5
(Psst... there's a paragraph repeated in there. ;) )
(Eep! Thanks! Edited with the correct paragraph now.)
*peers around cautiously*
Would rather write on NTT than a sequel. Besides, I have no idea where else to take this. (Also, SC? Sticky? Dragons? Blue-angst? Petting zoo. And now this? You're evil.)
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