Nov 22, 2007 18:12
Well first off.....
Raver boi isn't ignoring me. ^__^ So martha, no kicking. xD
Today has been pretty sweet. I woke up, took a bath in the whirl pool tub (soooooooo amazing! <3) then, internetted for a while. Then, ai chan came over, and I discovered how to upload my pics from my digital camera!!!!!!!!!!! it's only taken like, a year and a half. So, pics from CCC 06 are up on my space. xDDD Then, we went on a walk. We ended going up to severance, and the only two stores open were blockbuster and dave's organic market. We hung in Blockbuster to get warm, then went to daves, and discovered jone's soda's energy drinks!!! 8D They have no caffiene, just 62g of pure cane sugar. Needless to say, I'm hyper as FUCK. *.*
Then, I came home after dropping aya (kinda...) at her house, then netted for awhile, then got ready to go to my aunts. I freaking love her cooking, nothing is better. I was chummy with my cousins fiance's little sister. We had some stuff in common.
However, I completely FAIL at pool. xDDD I was HORRIBLE. xDDD
Now, I'm home, and very cheerful. I love this holiday! <3
turkey pool yummy fun