Figured out a way (I think) to not have outstanding checks bounce, get the back window fixed, and keep utilities on. (bleh)
Only upshot of the weekend - I got USAA to cover a car rental, and for $12 (supposedly - crosses fingers) extra, I got to drive a red Mustang all weekend. K was just thrilled beyond belief when he saw it, asked what kind it was, and I said "it's a car like Barricade" "OH COOOOL MOMMY". :)
After driving it around town, and to work & back - I'd say the V6 model is still worth considering - when I have the $ to put towards another car. Had a chat w/
armitige3 about cars. I'm tired of "practical" cars w/ my Hondas. I don't want a car that screams "conservative mommy", which is what I feel Honda (Civic & Accord at least) does... ah well - no hurry - it'll be at *least* a year before I can even go beyond looking (K needs to be in a regular booster seat, vs. a car seat).
Lemme revise that above statement - the Mustang wasn't the *only* upshot - Sat nite's RIFTS game went really well too - Damiri lived, as did the rest of the party - which is always good, hehe. I *almost* feel sorry for L, our GM - we're split into 2 groups, but we didn't (I think) deliberately do it.
Window is fixed; can't wash the car/try to keep it dry for 2 days, and the guy suggested keeping a window cracked a bit when on the highway - to regulate air pressure (since that *might* have contributed to the window breaking. I guess it *could*, as it was quite cold outside, and we had 4 ppl in the car...