Malgudi Days was a BBC-produced Indian tv mini-series that aired in the early 90s.
The series was based on R.K.Narayanan’s short stories of typical village life in rural India. Narayanan’s simplistic storytelling was easily understood and appealed to many.
Not having lived in India myself, it was a captivating introduction to my homeland. The well-made characters and the unforgettable title song stayed with me through the years.
I started searching for vcds/dvds of the series a few years back, but it wasn’t until early this year that I found it on Amazon - apparently BBC had finally decided to release the original footage for public sale. This was possibly a result of news that the series was being refilmed in India to suit today’s more sophisticated audience. While the original is always assured a place in my heart, I am looking forward to a modern re-interpretation