Mar 04, 2010 18:07
well, i did the impossible today and actually talked to each and every one of you. unreal, right? maybe this is the start of a new, more communicative me. we'll see. :) so, now all of you know i will be home next weekend, which i am so excited about. i feel like i haven't been there in forever. it's weird still calling it 'home.' just to clear it up, that's more a habit than anything else...nashville is definitely home. by the way, i said that for my own sanity. :)
today was such a weird/great day. i only had to be at work until 11...i took the rest of the afternoon for a doctor's appointment. the morning was fine...the kids were pretty good. the weirdest thing happened though. one of my girls when into the bathroom and the doorknob broke...the handle was no longer connected to the peice that keeps the door shut. meaning...the poor girl was stuck in the bathroom for about 45 minutes. it took a long time for us to even realize she was in there...and when we figured it out, we couldn't open the dang door. we called a locksmith who had to, essentially, destroy the door. haha. crazy buisness. i did the get warm fuzzies though when she finally got out. both nancy (my coteacher), anne (the director), and i were standing there and everyone pretty much opened their arms to her...she ran right to me and wouldn't let go for at least 2 minutes. :) things like that make me feel like i've made am impact on the room. she was a trooper...that was crazy. poor thing.
anyhow, i went to get my annual exam today (so fun...). it used to be extremely traumatic for me, but now it gets easier every time (thank you sexual activity). i talked today with my doctor about getting pregnant. she was extremely reassuring to me. she told me that i would probably be extremely fertile and she didn't think i would have trouble carrying a baby to term. she did think i would carry smaller babies since everything about me is miniature (that's really what she all looks normal, it's just miniature). so, as long as the baby doesn't get too big, i can probably deliver in the traditional manner. all good news. sorry if that was too much information...but, these are the things a baby-happy momma-wannabe thinks about all the time. :) so, in short, i'm healthy and things should go smoothly for me. yay. babies are not on the immediate radar, but since i won't see her again for a whole year, i thought i might as well ask.
when my appointment was done, i came home and motivated myself to go for a long run. jocelyn and i used to run this 4 mile route together and i haven't tackled it since she left. today, i tried it out. i am so happy to say that i did really great! i ran most of it (aside from 3 blocks or so of recovery), which was a surprise. i didn't think i would fare well. i must be in better shape than i thought. :) haha. but, i think adding that run in 2 to 3 times a week plus yoga 3 times a week should pretty much put me in gear for summer time. i am doing okay on my eating regimen...and i feel like i already see a difference. so...whoopee. :)
well, i am thrilled i get to see most of you soon (nicci...i miss you...come back soon). i will keep you all posted regarding my plans. i know i will have a lot of family to catch up with, but the evenings should be pretty free. i love all of you so much.