Jan 13, 2010 17:37
well, i just got done with a long day at work...then i went and got an oil change on the car so I could be all set for my trip this weekend. then...i talked myself into going to yoga. i have to leave in 15 minutes. so much of me wants to sit on my butt tonight...but, if i sit on it, it's just going to get bigger. haha. and that's depressing. as much as i dread going to hot yoga sometimes...when i walk away, i always feel better.
so, sam left this morning for a little while. he should be home early next weekn and the guys are actually going through atlanta on saturday. so, i'll get to be with him for a few hours saturday night. i just found out about that last night, so i was very excited. it stinks when he leaves, but i know he will have fun getting out on the road again. as much as he dreads it when it begins, he seems to really love it once he gets started.
i am really looking forward to this weekend in atlanta. i am trying to train myself to stop saying that it's home. i mean, let's be honest, nashville is home now. as much as i wish i could come back to atlanta, i think the space is good right now. if i was in atlanta, i have a feeling my life would be way too dramatic. anyway, i am really looking forward to spending time with those i love this weekend. it's so nice that i have monday off because it makes the trip so much more worth it. when i come in late friday and have to leave early sunday, it just makes the trip way too fast. i never get anything done. this time, i'll have 24 extra hours! :) yay!
well, that was the most boring update ever...but, i do what i can. i love you all! i am so happy that we're all being better about posting.