Happy 2010 everyone...

Dec 31, 2009 15:14

Dear 2010 (read Dear people at J&A):

I've got some petitions to make, but let's go to what's first:

1- ¿Isn't time to start considering what the word Junior means?

It starts to be ridiculous to call people like Ikuta Toma under the Junior status now he's a pro as an actor. Untill now, debuting in your agency meant having an official release as a musician and pursuing a music career in the market (and even with that, not all the people who's released a single have been officially debuted), but maybe it has come the time to accept there are people who should be debuted even without being in a group or having a solo music career. From the boys who are having an actor career  to the ones who're only modeling, from M.A.D. to B.A.D. Maybe they will be backdancers and back-musicians until they retire, but keep on calling them Juniors when there are little boys who've debuted before them is somekind of gross... to not mention that seeing them all mixed up at the same wall in the Johnny's shop is stinky. There's people who deserve their own wall and they are still in the same Junior's, mixed up with other brats (yet to grow and become idols).

2- Taking that: Let's solve Uchi Hiroki's situation.

Even when seeing him back to its natural place (member of Kanjani8) is something impossible, I still believe that he should do whatever he thinks he should do and the other 7 want him to do (I've already understand that having him going back to NEWS would be too much, and it would be unfair to Kusano). Right now, he's having a weird star status while he's still called a Junior, when he was suspended (and not expelled) for X reasons (althought we will never know the truth, ne? and there are too many versions of that story...), and this status is not fair to people who have never done anything wrong and are still in the Junior's position. Still loving my Pinku so much, I can't ignore the fact that he's being treated in a special way not other Juniors are, not even other debuted members are. 4 Solo-Cons in just two years, he's being placed in the front row like a star and with support acts such as other Juniors (Question? Five...), his actor career is getting busier... we rather stop considering him a Junior, or this will be TOO WEIRD.

3- Continuing with that: ¿Isn't itthe  time...

To consider another debut? Yes, yes, I know, there are some stuff we shall consider: sells, sells, and more sells... but if we keep holding back groups like Kiss My Ft.2, Question or Five, even if the main point is that they will be back-dancers or support acts forever, this will be a complete mess. Come'on, it was enough when you had people like Sakamoto-sama or Nagano-Kun (who's jurassic history in the jimusho) being juniors  while other brats were debuting before them... and putting it as harder as possible for KAT-TUN, with fake promises that would lead to their debut, they didn't learn at all ¿No? Now we put Kiss My Ft.2 in the main role of a musical that has been until now the standart of Shonentai and we pretend to keep calling them Juniors, while other brats get their debut ticket before they do. Yes, I'm glad that Hey! Say Jump! is doing that fine, but perhaps is the time for others to debut. ¿Will we end 2010 having no more debuts? These boys will turn up 60 and they'll still be Juniors...

Next wishes are for Johnny's in particular:

1- Innochi don't be mean...

And some others can take note aswell (Kokubun, Gussan, Nino...) and behave, stop making too many jokes, don't eat anymore stuff that's out-of-date, and show respect for your Riida once in a while, truly XD Not only with the nice words you put on your j-web.

2- Jin ganbatte!

I hope that your upcoming movie and Solo-con can chance your face, since you've been showing us a very sad look during this 2009. Enjoy yourself a little bit more!

3- Tsubasa, stop...

Coming to Spain without paying us a visit. Yes, is not a secrte that if you come we won't let you go... but you like Flamenco and Barça too much... XD

4-Send me Subaru...

He needs some food. When the Special concerts in Osaka end, put him inside a plane straight to my home and I will feed him right. And so:

5-Toda, ¡Stop your Special diet (this had sense in Spannish, I swear XD) !

Or you shall send me Hina so I can feed him aswell. He's getting too slim... and this cannot be good for your career either XD you've gotta take care of your health...

6- Nagase, ¿Weren't you getting married?

Or are you planning on doing to Aibu the same you did to Ayu? If you make Yayoi cry We're gonna have a serious talk...Ne?

7- For Human's sake... Let's wish Innocchi's son looks and behaves like his mother.

Or we'll risk seeing Japan's island explode. His wife might be a saint...

8- Let's celebrate 15th properly...

And you know what I mean, V6... I don't want weak celebrations. ¡15 is 15! Take good care of the Riida, he's not as young as he used to keep on making those back flips.

9- Let's re-join the best pairing

Since Takki's going solo, we miss the disco tunes...

10- Higashiyama-sama...

It's being told that you shall marry next year.  I wish you happiness and please, gives us some little princes as soon as possible.

2010, let's ask to SM:

1- Stop this nonsense...

Is not a secret that the TVXQ situation is out of YOUR control. Isn't it about time to sit down and start asking to yourselfs why your artists aren't happy and are setting up demands against your agency? You've got a lot, everything, but if you don't take proper care of your people, one day you'll wake up completely naked ... Are you going to push your best idols just because some of them decided to dismiss you as their personal agency? Let's accept that the group is no more yours completely. Or you want to become guilty of something you'll regret but you won't be able to fix?

2010, to any agency with girlbands...

1- Stop the clones wars.

2009 has been a wonderful year, But now we shall wait and see how many of these groups can actually make it. Let's be realist, despite of 2NE1, the rest (even 4minute, F(x) and After School), still need to proove that they can last 'forever'.

2- Some faith for the Wonders...

Try to make it in the US is actually hard, but the Wonder Girls have already proove that they could make a way into it, they haven't gone too far, but yet, they've achieved a lot. Let's keep working that hard. Nothing's impossible if you work hard...

3- Let's hope that BEG won't loose their allure.

After Abracadabra's succes, let's hope they don't forget where they come from and what their music is.

And that's all (for now..) I hope you all have a Happy 2010 entrance.


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