We got home and everything was going well, so much love was coming our way... it was amazing. My roommate Alex had the Idea for putting the web cam on Unchkin, (I thought of the name Unchkam)
While I worked on a post for LJ Unchkin just relaxed, now at home. I couldn’t stop saying how proud I was of her, and how strong she is being...
The time came to give her medicine, and I figured I might as well try to give it to her without the bunny burrito... since she was under enough stress as is...
I was SHOCKED when she just drank it... she did so well!
Unchkin getting meds:
Click to view
One of her medications said she needed to take it with food so we gave her some greens before she had it...
Eating after meds
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Then she had dinner and played with her towel a bit...
Eating and hopping
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I then washed the remaining honey off of Unchkins head (from the bonding of her and Umlaut) and a while later she had her first poops! (Which I have a pic of but you can’t tell)
I wanted to make sure she was drinking plenty of water so I had given her a little bowl with some in it, she liked it at first but when I refilled it:
She decided it would look better upside down:
I stayed up until 4am watching her and talking online with people before I finally decided it would be ok to go to bed.
The next day I thought she looked lonely in her pretty empty cage, so I found a stuffy for her so she could have company...
She thought teddy was dirty so she cleaned him...
Then she wanted him to know whose boss, so she sat on him...
I had some snuggle time with Unchkin
Gave her a new hairdo:
Then she played with the towel:
There was noting too eventful - which is a good thing, but she keeps getting stronger and stronger... I am going to post another update soon because I dont have Sunday and today uploaded on youtube yet.
Until then...