
Oct 06, 2009 21:41

macro, myv

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poem81 October 6 2009, 18:49:26 UTC
XD yeah, i bet each and everyone of them wants to be God
i wonder why none of them wants to be Solomn or Moses or ....


okabes_dear October 7 2009, 08:13:23 UTC
CUZ God is cooler then everyone else...he did lots of stuffs and has all kinds of powahs!


poem81 October 7 2009, 11:25:08 UTC
yeah, but is he smart?
*waits to be struck by lighting*

Solomon was...
why no one wants to be smart?
have powers, pfff...
if they don't have an opponent to battle with where is the fun? >>


okabes_dear October 7 2009, 11:49:25 UTC
just cuz sexiness and monies are better then smarts?

plus myv is list when it comes to business ...

and he has the special powar of turning thousands of women crazy fo him in like under 30 sec...


poem81 October 7 2009, 11:51:00 UTC
was not commenting about myv :D
i don't doubt that everything you said about him is true :D


okabes_dear October 7 2009, 11:52:35 UTC
too bad gaku does not have myv's brains....

just sayin...


poem81 October 7 2009, 11:53:30 UTC
missy incerci sa ma provoci? >>


okabes_dear October 7 2009, 11:55:38 UTC
doar imi plang daca avea deschidea draqu dears overseasu venea si el pacilea prin europa...da de el nu are copii de crescut...

sau i sa stricat cerebelul de la atata decolorant :P


poem81 October 7 2009, 12:01:28 UTC
XD nu vad ce legatura are plodul cu extinsul si prin partzile noastre ... cred ca mai degraba pe el l-ar tine pe acasa... just thinking
nu stiu cat e vina lui sau a alora de ii conduc fc-ul
om vedea cat ii ia pana se pune pe treaba si prin partea asta a planetei... sper sa nu se trezeasca brusc ca se simte prea batran pentru asta >>


okabes_dear October 7 2009, 12:12:59 UTC
de fapt faceam mistho de myv...ziceam ca are copii de crescut si ca tre sa faca rost de mai multi bani:P

cat despre gaku...sincer miam laut gandu de mult ca am sal vad live pe scena altundeva decat in japonia...


poem81 October 7 2009, 12:22:25 UTC
:DDD sau poate ca nu il lasa sa doarma noaptea, asa ca, pana mai creste, prefera sa stea prin concerte :))

eu nu mi-am facut sperante oricum... nu ca nu mi-ar placea, dar prefer sa nu astept nimic, desi sunt curioasa ce s-a ales de chestionarul ala si datele colectate
s-o fi pus praful pe el/ele?


okabes_dear October 7 2009, 12:25:25 UTC
crek daia a si plecat in turneu:

s-a uitat la ea uuh e draguta! dupa care ZOMGackt face caca si tipa tot timpu Sugizo nu mia zis nimic despre asea ceva! VREAU liniste! gata stiu! plec in turneu!

cat despre gaku ar trebuie sa angajese echipa lui myv...aia au facut un sondaj...crek acum nici 3 uite FC e deja activ...


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