Feb 26, 2006 21:26
Most amusing thing as of late:
My Poke'mon bring all the boys to the yard
And they're like, you wanna trade cards?
Damn right, I wanna trade cards....
Which just proves that I need something not lame to amuse me. I also understand this is an old joke, but I've just recently have understood it. Go me.
So, anything new? Not much. Saw a disturbing movie entitled Mysterious Skin, which was horrible thematically but very original and well done. I've pretty much just been randomly hanging out with Mistique and Anthony <3. I got to see Kory and a few other people this weekend too, which is nice. Franco Fête on Tuesday; hopefully that will go well. Badminton is officially starting up. Things are going to get a lot busier for me, but I think I can manage to keep up with everything and still have fun.