Mar 02, 2005 21:47
The Frigid North. The great frontier. The barren plains... surrounded by... nothing, and, did we mention, there are in fact, bears. Very large bears. Bears that can eat you. This is going to be so cool. I can't wait. We're getting out of the Northeast. We're going somewhere, doing something.
I'm still not certain on the grad school thing. I guess I'm a flip-flopper, good thing we're leaving the country for a while. I enjoy electronics and the intellectual pursuit of problem solving, I just don't know if my heart's in it. I've also had trouble finding any friendly professors at the school, which may not be helping. I'm going to finish the application and give it its chance though. I pushed Holly to do hers; I won't be so cowardly as to not even try after that. I feel like I should be looking for a job in full time ministry. Time, and patience (however little time there is for patience), will tell.
Comfort and love goes out to the Kizzy-tizzy/kate-ate-ate-ate. We hope your foot heals up fast.
Bell rehearsal makes me so happy. I need to get back in to music. Maybe I should start taking guitar lessons or something.
Is it bad that Evelyn makes a post that she describes as stream of consciousness and it seems to read just like my ordinary posts? =) I swear I can write "properly." I just don't see any reason to. Been working on something sup-ar sekrit (ok, not really at all) of a creative bent with comrade Vincent. Creativity is making me very happy.
I need to start recording in writing some meditations. I hate to think how big a log I could have to parse through if I bothered to write things down.
It's cold up there. There are bears in them thar hills. And it is awesome. I don't *dis*like the north east.... It's just so exciting to be going somewhere, doing something new, with the one person I want to do it with.
(Grade Level 4, checkit. rockin the fragments strictly in the hardcore sense. Also, I like Factors of the Seven better each time I listen to it. it has such atmosphere)
Nothing to prove and nothing to lose.