(no subject)

Dec 01, 2011 21:32

Instead of writing up HP meta or going 'aaaaaa JLPT on Sunday don't know enough words going to fail'-too tired for any of that right now-I am going to alert you all to the existence of
askkingsley. Go submit some questions so we can get more fantasticness!

Also, there is some interesting stuff on HP fan-worldbuilding here (go join that promptfest, everyone!), here, and here.

Will post about wizarding music and connections with the muggle world (and possibly also lack of numinousness?) some time tomorrow-ish. Expect lots of Pansy and Hermione and mentions of the African Institute of Black Magic.

http://esmenet.dreamwidth.org/88248.html |
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writing, harry potter, kingsley shacklebolt, worldbuilding

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