its like 1,000 spoons and all you need is a knife...

May 08, 2005 20:38

Saturday Katie Leah and I went to
go see "A hitchhikers guide to the
galexy"...lmao. Most random movie of
my life! I loved it! But if you dont like
random...actually if you are not Katie Leah
or me I dont think you will like it hahah!
because we are dorkes like that, even these
10 year olds behind us said it was stupid...
o well their loss haha...
Then we walked over to a fair next door and
I got this sweet dramatic shot of a clown
thing with my phone haha...

-did the whole mothers day thing.
-Went out a took some kickass photography shots!
-Bought the new Fall out Boy cd, I absolutly love it!!
-Bought gifts for Katie and Megan
-Hung out with Megan for a while
-Cryed over spooky, but happy tears :]
I realized that I will see him again some day
and I cryed because I was so happy...

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