Jan 15, 2004 14:39
i can't say i'm glad about the fact that we dont have school today. after thinking about it, i was ready for the exams i would have taken today, so it kind of sucks that i have to wait to get them over with. i don't really understand why we have off today, but whatever. but i do hope we have off tomorrow.
i'm still sick, and i hate it. my temperature is gone, i think. but i'm still coughing a lot, but medecine has been helping. i just want to be healthy so that i'm not tired all of the time and so that i don't have to try to persuade my parents to let me out whenever the chance comes. but last night was the first night in a few that i didn't wake up in the middle of the night with my clothes drenched with sweat. it was really nice.
i hope i get a chance to go to the mall this weekend. i haven't been lately and i need to pick up a few things. plus i like the mall now that i need things from it.
today is my dad's birthday. i'm not quite sure how old he is, but i know it's between 45 and 47. my mom i sgetting a cake to have later and i'm looking forward to that. i hope it's good.
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