Nov 06, 2005 04:01

Fuck it I'm tired of this shit, I try to make friends but yet I always have to call people, I never get fucking phone calls. From this point on if they wanna be my friend then they can fucking call me. On the other note I'm threw with relationships, I'm tired of chasing. I just don't wanna deal with them any more..I'm just going to stay single for a very long time. I don't care what people think. My life my decision. I could care less if I had someone to care for me. hell in the end something always goes wrong and I've noticed it's mainly my damn fault. And I don't wanna hear it's not your fault your not the one to blame, unless you were in a relationship with me then you don't know what the hell I'm talking about it always being my fault. I mean my first kinda serious relationship with my ex Rene it went well until I fucked it up. My actual relationship where I truly cared for the person which being with Mallissa I fucked that up too. And I know alot of you are going to read this and be like it's her fault, not tru I'm the one who fucked up in that relationship also. Apparently my lack of common sense and not making people happy is a big thing for me. I've yet to hear someone ever tell me that I make them feel happy either it being a friend or g/f. I mean I know most of you probably think Mallissa is a bitch and what not but she actually cared for me and she let me be myself around her. Most my other relationships I had to pretend I was someone diff. I'm going to defend her on this she isn't a bad girl and I know some people would defend their ex if they truly loved them like I did. Granted me and Mallissa got into arguments all the time, but that's part of a relationship, I mean hell you can't have a relationship with out some type of conflict. And if someone tells me that isn't tru that's bullshit Everyone that has had a g/f or has a g/f b/f or what ever has had some type of argument with them. No mather how stupid it was yet you still get into little fights but at times that can either break or strengthen the relationship. For me on this case it broke and shattered it all to hell. But yeah that's it I guess.
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