"Celebrity" Playlist Pt. 1

Apr 30, 2008 12:55

With no cable (until yesterday - we have it now), I decided that rather than unpacking (though I've been doing a lot of that too), my time would be better spent re-reading "My Boring Ass Life" by Kevin Smith.  (Thanks again for the re-loan Meg).  Near the end of the book, ol' K-Smith lists what would've been his iTunes Celebrity Playlist, had they not rejected his for being too long. 
Which got me to thinking - if I were famous (and sadly, I probably won't be), what would I put on mine?  As I'll never get a chance to do a real one, I've decided to subject you lovelies to what mine would be, if I got famous yesterday.

Here we go.

Sk8r Boy - Avril Lavigne - "My Happy Ending" Album
I know, I know.  I'm going to take shit for this one.  And I can accept that, as it's totally fair.  But in my defence, this CD came out before her transformation into a total pop-tart.  The reason this song makes it, is because it basically was my OA year in highschool.  Meaghan and I would "borrow" my mom's car during the day for "Secret Secret Missions", which usually involved shopping or lunch and this song always featured prominently.  We'd pop it into the CD player on my old Maxima and sing it really loudly, and really badly with the windows down (obviously, as the windows never completely rolled up).  I was still sporadically fighting with Don whilst coming to terms with the fact that Jay was gone, and these trips were the only real escape from teenage drama and misery.  So for that, Avril makes the list.

Paralyzer - Finger Eleven - "Them Vs. You Vs. Me" Album
You know how there's one song that just defines a time period in your life?  This was mine last summer.  It was constantly overplayed on the radio and just so damn catchy, that whenever it came on the radio (since my car had no stereo system), I would circle the block of wherever I was going until it ended and rock some solo car dancing.  It always acted as a de-stresser if the day wasn't going well and would pump me up for whatever shit might have to be dealt with when I got to where I was going.  Plus, they played it at the Phoenix and everyone would always do the crazy dancing with the over-dramatic hand motions!  You've gotta love those.  I don't know why I didn't put it as my song on the summer camp CD.  I should've.

Umbrella - Rihanna - "Good Girl Gone Bad" Album
It's okay.  You can absolutely mock the shit out of me for this.  And there's really no defence for it like there was for the Avril inclusion.  But, like the Finger Eleven song, it was definitely a song of last summer and it remains a song that will always remind me not to judge a book by it's cover - or a sorority girl by her Coach bag.  When I first met Christie last year, after leaving the lunch, I looked at my boss and said "What the fuck are you trying to do to me?  Where are my cigarettes?".  The idea of pierced/tattooed/heavily into black clothes and purple hair me having to spend four months with the little blonde girl in a sorority made me want to throw up.   If you told me that less than four months later I'd be sitting on my apartment floor with her getting goodie glasses gift wrapped for her birthday limo/club trip that I would be attending in a dress and heels with a Guess bag, I would've punched you in the face.  (That reminds me, Brandon did say that would happen...I should punch him in the face).  But lo and behold, that's what happened.  I totally wrote off the girl who would become the only person at work I really felt totally comfortable with and would eventually spend hours upon hours laughing/bitching/goofing off with.  So even though I would absolutely still never listen to this song if I could avoid it, every time I hear it I smile and am reminded that maybe sometimes I need to be less of a judgemental bitch - not a lot less, just a little bit.

Mony Mony - Billy Idol - "Don't Stop" Album
There's really no real reason for the inclusion of this one, except for the fact that every time I hear it, I'm instantly transported back to my first year of university at Trappers (Shut up), and the way that this song would always play near the end of the night.  I get a picture in my mind of dancing in a circle with my floormates and staring up at the ceiling, marvelling at how the Christmas lights hung up there were so swirly and pretty.  Now though, I realize that they were only swirly because I couldn't really stand up straight.  Because of Trappers, I would forever think that the words "Hey motherfucker, get drunk, get stoned!" were part of the chorus.  Interestingly, Wikipedia tells us that:

"Although it has no outwardly obscene lyrics, "Mony Mony" is often banned from teen-age dances due to a chant that became notorious after a live version was released on the Billy Idol album Vital Idol in 1987, topping the US charts and reaching number seven in the UK. The song had originally become an Idol staple after he released the studio version on 1981's Don't Stop EP - and the crowds at his live performances would chant, "Hey mother fucker, get laid, get fucked" between verses. Billy mouths these words on his live music video of the song.".

Also, the Billy Idol/Bif Naked concert I went to was one of the most interesting crowds I'd ever seen, in addition to it being the first time my mother understood who I was talking about when she asked the "Who are you going to see?" question she always did. 
And Billy Idol looks like Dexter Holland (the singer for the Offspring), cross-bred with a raisin.  Always a bonus.

However, Miss Amanda has just arrived, and we're meant to be going out for lunch.  I, obviously, am still in my pyjamas though.  So, with songs 1 to 4 finished up, I shall leave the rest of my non-Celebrity playlist until tomorrow. 
In the meantime though, please feel free to start your own.  I'm nosey. 
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