Jul 12, 2004 12:39
Here are some bad quotes, and some good from people directed towards me:
^^That one was from Tim =]
"Music is more important than girls"
"I'm attracted to yu. I was never attracted to thick chicks."
^^Those two were from Milky.....=/
"I pwn yu"
^^From Brooks =]
"you are a skank"
^^From the one and only Max =]
"you're coming to chicago? no one told me this. now i have such short notice, how am i going to hide from you???"
^^From my cousin, Neno...stupid skank =P
"I still like you"
^^That one was from Dakota, mmmmmm =] <3333333
"change your icon or i will be forced to devour your soul"-greg
"starts gnawing on your aura*"-greg
^^Haha, I love yu Greg.
"Just N Is Fame: I have an announcement to make
CelarDoorBeauty: Announce it, please.
Just N Is Fame: donkey big poop !
Just N Is Fame: oh and Jessie wants my hands down her pants
CelarDoorBeauty: =-O The secret is out!!
CelarDoorBeauty: How did yu find out???
Just N Is Fame: its written in the news paper
CelarDoorBeauty: Oh well. It's time everyone should know how I feel
Just N Is Fame: yeah they do now
CelarDoorBeauty: It can't bekept a secret any longer.
CelarDoorBeauty: I do want your hand down my pants.
CelarDoorBeauty: And I shall announce it to everyone who does not know
Just N Is Fame: thats not even the whole seceret
Just N Is Fame: you want my sex
Just N Is Fame: and all you get of it
CelarDoorBeauty: Goddamnit, yu know that too
Just N Is Fame: yup
CelarDoorBeauty: what do I get
Just N Is Fame: what I said that?
CelarDoorBeauty: Yeah
Just N Is Fame: oh I well I ment to say something else then haha forget what though
CelarDoorBeauty: hmmmm
CelarDoorBeauty: It should've been yu get all of it
Just N Is Fame: something like that"
^^DONKEY!!! I love yu, Justin!! AND I WILL GET ALL OF YOUR SEX AND YOUR HAND DOWN MY PANTS!! Yu just wait and see!! =P
"His dick is like retarted"
^^HAHAHAHAA, I LOVE YU SO MUCH KAILA!!!!!!<333.....I am going to spank yu if yu don't listen to me! Yu are sexually attractive, and I am going to seduce yu in a non-serious way.
I guess that should be all....<3