Some deadly results out and...

Aug 22, 2007 20:35

I doubt I would be able to step out of house or school.PRELIMS PRELIMS AND PRELIMS.

EDIT:Meme )

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mystic_fate August 23 2007, 10:37:32 UTC
Exams can be horrible, but at least they only last for a short while and then there over! XD Best of luck!~ ^^


oishiionigiri August 23 2007, 11:01:51 UTC
Thanks.They are horrible.Very.I am now from the graduating and these exams drag from now till the end of Nov urgh.Dreadfully long for me.
Good luck yours too! You will pass :D!


mystic_fate August 23 2007, 11:13:56 UTC
TILL NOVEMBER? =O Oh that sounds... torturous. >.< *hugs* Thankyou!~~~ *crosses fingers and hopes* :D


oishiionigiri August 23 2007, 11:32:06 UTC
Now I am having Prelims (impt papers before finals) till early september.Then the 1 week sept holidays would aka returning to school for remedial.Early Oct would be the finals (o levels)'s practicals! Then would probsbly continue to late Nov if I am not wrong. ;______________;
You will be okay!!!!!!!!!XD


mystic_fate August 23 2007, 12:51:08 UTC
Oh that kind of sounds like our schedule, but with less time in between. We have our trials (kinda like prelims I suppose? They're worth 20% which is considered very very big, as finals take up 50% -___-;;) through August. And then from September till October we have school for "revision" (but despite this being compulsory I am told very few people turn up =w=) And then we have a two week break, and them BAM. Finals which are scattered through the October month till mid November. x3

Then the final results (to see if we get into the uni course we want) don't come out I think late January. A bit over a month's wait. D=

You will be okay too!!! We can't let petty pieces of paper get the better of us! FIght-o!!!~~~ ^_____^


oishiionigiri August 24 2007, 12:07:36 UTC
It's a sad thing that prelim takes no % and all depends on the finals. It just decide who might get a few weeks trial in their desired school next year.Then when results are out next year, we can choose either to go polytechnic or junior college~

Yeah Fi-ght-o!!!!


mystic_fate August 29 2007, 07:28:53 UTC
=O ALL? That's so..... final. xD Whats the point of having prelims then if they're not going to count? :S

*dons hachimaki* x3


oishiionigiri August 30 2007, 11:05:43 UTC
Yeah,they said it was to prepare us.Since we don't have common tests or time for other tests.And O levels is gonna be tough since the test syllabus is quite crazy, all chapters from last year and this year @__@ (For maths is from year 1)
I have checked the tests date, mine end at 6/11 instead of 16/11 because I dropped 2 subjects xDD/


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