Birthday Spam post

Feb 25, 2007 21:42

To start the post off with an ominous picture which I drew on that day's midnight to commemorate the day -_- *yawns*

All that have been are tests,tests,tests and I can't even drew a proper picture.
And I am lazying off not studying for tests again zzz , think I will not able to finish my exam art pieces on time >______<

My Cake:

It's a cookie n cream ice cream cakie :3
I just hope this year would not be any worse, be it friends or studies.

My oekaki mate opened up to requests to clear her art block so I asked and got a Shirashi picture

Looks hot ain't it? xD

And a picture I got for participating in a Fudomine winter contest:

A pity it closed down because of not enough entries T^T and everyone got a free piccy..

Tenipuri OVA 8 was also subbed yesterday ne*working hard to upload* erh my homework? =w=
Sorry if the post isn't properly cut, sometimes it just won't work,I will edit it if I found it uncut, no worries :D
And arigatou again
rai_neko , I am using the adorable wallie you made for me now ^_^
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