Nothing in Particular

Dec 28, 2006 21:55

Just a strange little update~
* 5 more days to school reopen
*Left 10 english newspaper article,4 comprehensions,1 chinese journal and 3 chapters of Chemistry (Not doing E.Maths homework, can't be bothered with A.Maths cause I feel like dropping it next year lalala xD) >_< so dead
*May be participating in the Fudomine winter contest...(If I did, it would be my 1st contest)
*Finally have an icon yay by meggu_chan who gave me 26 icons at pot_exchange <3 (I felt too used to iconless xD)
*Feels very discouraging/hurt and disappointed at the moment and I shall not explained why. (Which sort of relates to Tenipuri u_u) * Will try to change the LJ layout when free.
*Realised I don't like iconning but wanted to learn to make banner/wallpaper instead
*Awaits the Rikkaimyu (;_;)
*Wanted more time to draw properly.Hasn't done so for a long time and I wasted so much of the holidays. (Just got Photoshop but hasn't try art in it yet.)
*Still draw female (OC) better than male (fanart)~

Doodle something at MS Paint : (Don't worry I won't bite if its a wrong guess.I just wanted to change some aspects of my drawing.
I will gave a little hint.He left something behind. I wanted to give another elimination hint but that character was near to this so I had better not or it would be too easy to guess =X

Sorry if that was your favourite character and I destroyed his image.Messy cause its just a random doodle that quite reflects how I feel now :I I just don't draw character that look like them xD

Another latest oekaki dated 11 Dec, so long never drew >_< (not sure whether to put it behind cut so I did)

This kinda remind me of an iKarupin oekaki I did :3


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