Nov 16, 2003 15:29

There's this new mall that opened up on Ina or Skyline or Sunrise or whatever they want to call it at that point. So I took it upon myself to find out what happens when people stop being polite, and start getting real. The Real World. Then I took some photos 'cause I'm still interested in my new camera.

First we went to Chili's. This is one of the tiles on the table.

Here's what I had.

This is actually how they delivered Nicki's plate to her.

This kid was fucking annoying. Its mother looked really creepy, too.

Wa-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Somebody's got a flat tire!

The mall from where we got out of the car. 4 days later, we arrived.

Most of these stores won't open for another year.

At least this place was open!

I thought the sign said "cacke" but I guess it said "cache." Either way, this mall is just a bunch of faggy shit for fags.

Noone is safe.

It's an outdoor mall. Here's some stupid decor to make you feel posh.

There were all these cement tortoises arbitrarily placed for people to trip over. Then there were fun facts equally randomly distributed throughout the area about the tortoises.

FUN FACT: Tortoise in Mexican is "el tortuga."

For your safety: One reflection garden.

Nicki galavanting about the reflection garden.

This woman was wearing this orange suit thing, and in the end just looked like a giant road cone. Her husband meanders off without her.

Nicki wants this for Christmas, so I took a picture to remember it with. She'll get one printed copy of this photo for Christmas.

Curbstompin that honkeyass nigga tortoise.

Rear naked choke... Or maybe just a loving butthump.

Grandma's got this block on lockdown 24/7.

Goodbye, new mall. Goodbye forever.
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