Jun 18, 2007 13:44
I don't think I have ever been to a real professional interview. Most jobs I've ever had have been because I've known someone, or someone got the job for me, or it's been for some petty hostess job etc...
Today, I am off to a real interview... I know no one, no one helped me, and..... it's in french.
Can we say stressed? It's just for temp receptionist work while someone is off on maternity leave, but it's for nationwide english language school. I sent my CV in hopes to get a teaching position, but they called and offered this. Pas grave, I'll take anything right now, and I see it as a foot in the door.
I'm worried that a stuffy interview would be the moment when I loose all ability to speak the language. I don't feel that I have a very good grasp on the language in the professional sense, because in french the language that's used in the workplace is not the language you speak on the streets. I am worried about saying something too colloquial. I have huge confidence issues when it comes to speaking french with people I don't know. Zen laurene, ZEN.
I managed to find an outfit conservative-ish, and am debating whether or not I should wear my glasses to add to the uber professional look. I keep going over in my head things to say, knowing that they won't come out as planned. I am trying to remember to sit straight, cross my legs, and smile. I am afraid though that my body language will give away everything though. I don't want to seem too uncomfortable, too this, too that, too nervous, too serious.
At some point I am going to have to tell these people that I am off to Morocco for 2 weeks during the summer. Then there is the issue of working papers................yikes.
I starting to feel as though I want to vomit. I am dressed and ready to go, and I have about 45 minutes to spare. I thought that writing on my journal would alleviate some stress, but it's not helping. I need a shot of whiskey to do that. I am taking my bike, wearing a skirt, and it's windy... a great combo... I'm sure to look great upon arrival smelling like sweat, hair disheveled, and possibly bike grease on my leg.
I think I am going to try and clear my head for the next 20 minutes. Wish me luck.