Jun 26, 2009 01:06
Wheeee! Summer 1 semester is finally over! No more MGA305 and PSY250! Well, i must say it has been a tiring, cramped, exhausting, stressful yet fun and interesting summer semester so far. My lecturers AA (whom we got married to for 6 weeks), and Prof McLennan were really nice lecturers and most importantly, they try their best to make the long classes captivating. I've enjoyed my time with them, yet at the same time i'm glad its over. :)
I realised for the past six weeks, i havent been blogging much. I've been so, so busy, and even if i've nothing to do, i just don't feel the urge to blog. Anyways, a lot has been happening recently. Come to think of it, i have yet to update about the events that i've been to for the whole month of june! o.0
Okay, so i caught the movies Night at the Museum and Hannah Montana. Both were really good, and i can't wait to watch Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen! Babes had dinner at Timbre at The Substation, mini MI dinner at Just Acia, supper with s32 peeps, along with a short trip to marina barrage and mustafa, had supper with zuoyuan and a little car ride to the devils' bend, Jinmison's 21st at the Singapore Swimming Club, dinner with gummie at Iluma, supper at casurina, Deuel's 24th birthday at his place, ice-cream at tom's palatte with Naz, Cassie's 21st striped party, a trip to the zoo, and wii at meihong's!
Now, do you see what i mean? hahaha. too many events to talk about one by one, but i definitely enjoyed every single one of it! :))
So, today we had a buffet lunch outside the grand hall in SIM for our accounting lecturer AA, and it was great! For dinner, we brought Prof Friedman out for dinner. He taught us last summer, and its really nice to be able to catch up with him again this year. This year, we had dinner at Din Tai Fung and dessert at Ya Kun Kaya Toast. He wanted to buy the cup back as a souvenir. haha. Anyways we had a great time with him, and his stories are always so interesting. :)
Then, we all headed down to Keppel Bay Prive to surprise Weeyang! Happy Birthday! Hug Mr. Smiley tight every night okay! :D
The "just-after-exams" feeling is really great! I guess i'll have to cherish the next 3 days before Summer II starts again! THE HORROR!
side note: pls ignore the ugly format of this post. somehow the font looks weird! :(